Commit 0735f045 authored by's avatar

MIPS: Return Object* instead of MaybeObject* from runtime calls.

Port r20888 (d6883d72)


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 71750f7b
......@@ -1610,34 +1610,34 @@ void CEntryStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) {
void CEntryStub::GenerateCore(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* throw_normal_exception,
Label* throw_termination_exception,
bool do_gc,
bool always_allocate) {
// v0: result parameter for PerformGC, if any
// s0: number of arguments including receiver (C callee-saved)
// s1: pointer to the first argument (C callee-saved)
// s2: pointer to builtin function (C callee-saved)
void CEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Called from JavaScript; parameters are on stack as if calling JS function
// s0: number of arguments including receiver
// s1: size of arguments excluding receiver
// s2: pointer to builtin function
// fp: frame pointer (restored after C call)
// sp: stack pointer (restored as callee's sp after C call)
// cp: current context (C callee-saved)
Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
if (do_gc) {
// Move result passed in v0 into a0 to call PerformGC.
__ mov(a0, v0);
__ PrepareCallCFunction(2, 0, a1);
__ li(a1, Operand(ExternalReference::isolate_address(masm->isolate())));
__ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::perform_gc_function(isolate), 2, 0);
// NOTE: s0-s2 hold the arguments of this function instead of a0-a2.
// The reason for this is that these arguments would need to be saved anyway
// so it's faster to set them up directly.
// See MacroAssembler::PrepareCEntryArgs and PrepareCEntryFunction.
ExternalReference scope_depth =
if (always_allocate) {
__ li(a0, Operand(scope_depth));
__ lw(a1, MemOperand(a0));
__ Addu(a1, a1, Operand(1));
__ sw(a1, MemOperand(a0));
// Compute the argv pointer in a callee-saved register.
__ Addu(s1, sp, s1);
// Enter the exit frame that transitions from JavaScript to C++.
FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ EnterExitFrame(save_doubles_);
// s0: number of arguments including receiver (C callee-saved)
// s1: pointer to first argument (C callee-saved)
// s2: pointer to builtin function (C callee-saved)
Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
// Prepare arguments for C routine.
// a0 = argc
......@@ -1684,130 +1684,67 @@ void CEntryStub::GenerateCore(MacroAssembler* masm,
if (always_allocate) {
// It's okay to clobber a2 and a3 here. v0 & v1 contain result.
__ li(a2, Operand(scope_depth));
__ lw(a3, MemOperand(a2));
__ Subu(a3, a3, Operand(1));
__ sw(a3, MemOperand(a2));
// Runtime functions should not return 'the hole'. Allowing it to escape may
// lead to crashes in the IC code later.
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
Label okay;
__ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
__ Branch(&okay, ne, v0, Operand(t0));
__ stop("The hole escaped");
__ bind(&okay);
// Check for failure result.
Label failure_returned;
STATIC_ASSERT(((kFailureTag + 1) & kFailureTagMask) == 0);
__ addiu(a2, v0, 1);
__ andi(t0, a2, kFailureTagMask);
__ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &failure_returned, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
// Restore stack (remove arg slots) in branch delay slot.
__ addiu(sp, sp, kCArgsSlotsSize);
// Check result for exception sentinel.
Label exception_returned;
__ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kExceptionRootIndex);
__ Branch(&exception_returned, eq, t0, Operand(v0));
ExternalReference pending_exception_address(
Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate);
// Check that there is no pending exception, otherwise we
// should have returned the exception sentinel.
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
Label okay;
__ li(a2, Operand(pending_exception_address));
__ lw(a2, MemOperand(a2));
__ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
// Cannot use check here as it attempts to generate call into runtime.
__ Branch(&okay, eq, t0, Operand(a2));
__ stop("Unexpected pending exception");
__ bind(&okay);
// Exit C frame and return.
// v0:v1: result
// sp: stack pointer
// fp: frame pointer
// s0: still holds argc (callee-saved).
__ LeaveExitFrame(save_doubles_, s0, true, EMIT_RETURN);
// Check if we should retry or throw exception.
Label retry;
__ bind(&failure_returned);
__ andi(t0, v0, ((1 << kFailureTypeTagSize) - 1) << kFailureTagSize);
__ Branch(&retry, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
// Handling of exception.
__ bind(&exception_returned);
// Retrieve the pending exception.
__ li(t0, Operand(ExternalReference(Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress,
__ lw(v0, MemOperand(t0));
__ li(a2, Operand(pending_exception_address));
__ lw(v0, MemOperand(a2));
// Clear the pending exception.
__ li(a3, Operand(isolate->factory()->the_hole_value()));
__ li(t0, Operand(ExternalReference(Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress,
__ sw(a3, MemOperand(t0));
__ sw(a3, MemOperand(a2));
// Special handling of termination exceptions which are uncatchable
// by javascript code.
Label throw_termination_exception;
__ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kTerminationExceptionRootIndex);
__ Branch(throw_termination_exception, eq, v0, Operand(t0));
__ Branch(&throw_termination_exception, eq, v0, Operand(t0));
// Handle normal exception.
__ jmp(throw_normal_exception);
__ bind(&retry);
// Last failure (v0) will be moved to (a0) for parameter when retrying.
void CEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Called from JavaScript; parameters are on stack as if calling JS function
// s0: number of arguments including receiver
// s1: size of arguments excluding receiver
// s2: pointer to builtin function
// fp: frame pointer (restored after C call)
// sp: stack pointer (restored as callee's sp after C call)
// cp: current context (C callee-saved)
// NOTE: Invocations of builtins may return failure objects
// instead of a proper result. The builtin entry handles
// this by performing a garbage collection and retrying the
// builtin once.
// NOTE: s0-s2 hold the arguments of this function instead of a0-a2.
// The reason for this is that these arguments would need to be saved anyway
// so it's faster to set them up directly.
// See MacroAssembler::PrepareCEntryArgs and PrepareCEntryFunction.
// Compute the argv pointer in a callee-saved register.
__ Addu(s1, sp, s1);
// Enter the exit frame that transitions from JavaScript to C++.
FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ EnterExitFrame(save_doubles_);
// s0: number of arguments (C callee-saved)
// s1: pointer to first argument (C callee-saved)
// s2: pointer to builtin function (C callee-saved)
Label throw_normal_exception;
Label throw_termination_exception;
// Call into the runtime system.
// Do space-specific GC and retry runtime call.
// Do full GC and retry runtime call one final time.
Failure* failure = Failure::InternalError();
__ li(v0, Operand(reinterpret_cast<int32_t>(failure)));
{ FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL);
__ PrepareCallCFunction(0, v0);
__ CallCFunction(
ExternalReference::out_of_memory_function(masm->isolate()), 0);
__ Throw(v0);
__ bind(&throw_termination_exception);
__ ThrowUncatchable(v0);
__ bind(&throw_normal_exception);
__ Throw(v0);
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