Commit 06bdd8d6 authored by Thibaud Michaud's avatar Thibaud Michaud Committed by Commit Bot

[liftoff][tail-call] Add indirect tail calls

Bug: v8:10693
Change-Id: Ic71d873bf7099ba671b9db1e87392d54aeebd7cf
Reviewed-on: 's avatarClemens Backes <>
Commit-Queue: Thibaud Michaud <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#68996}
parent d3940aa3
......@@ -3616,6 +3616,11 @@ void LiftoffAssembler::CallIndirect(const wasm::FunctionSig* sig,
void LiftoffAssembler::TailCallIndirect(Register target) {
DCHECK(target != no_reg);
void LiftoffAssembler::CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::RuntimeStubId sid) {
// A direct call to a wasm runtime stub defined in this module.
// Just encode the stub index. This will be patched at relocation.
......@@ -2629,6 +2629,11 @@ void LiftoffAssembler::CallIndirect(const wasm::FunctionSig* sig,
void LiftoffAssembler::TailCallIndirect(Register target) {
void LiftoffAssembler::CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::RuntimeStubId sid) {
// A direct call to a wasm runtime stub defined in this module.
// Just encode the stub index. This will be patched at relocation.
......@@ -4237,6 +4237,17 @@ void LiftoffAssembler::CallIndirect(const wasm::FunctionSig* sig,
void LiftoffAssembler::TailCallIndirect(Register target) {
// Since we have more cache registers than parameter registers, the
// {LiftoffCompiler} should always be able to place {target} in a register.
if (FLAG_untrusted_code_mitigations) {
} else {
void LiftoffAssembler::CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::RuntimeStubId sid) {
// A direct call to a wasm runtime stub defined in this module.
// Just encode the stub index. This will be patched at relocation.
......@@ -1097,6 +1097,7 @@ class LiftoffAssembler : public TurboAssembler {
inline void CallIndirect(const FunctionSig* sig,
compiler::CallDescriptor* call_descriptor,
Register target);
inline void TailCallIndirect(Register target);
inline void CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::RuntimeStubId sid);
// Reserve space in the current frame, store address to space in {addr}.
......@@ -2303,135 +2303,7 @@ class LiftoffCompiler {
void CallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index_val,
const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
const Value args[], Value returns[]) {
if (imm.table_index != 0) {
return unsupported(decoder, kRefTypes, "table index != 0");
for (ValueType ret : imm.sig->returns()) {
if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kSupportedTypes, ret, "return")) {
// Place the source position before any stack manipulation, since this will
// be used for OSR in debugging.
__ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
// Pop the index.
Register index = __ PopToRegister().gp();
// If that register is still being used after popping, we move it to another
// register, because we want to modify that register.
if (__ cache_state()->is_used(LiftoffRegister(index))) {
Register new_index =
__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, LiftoffRegList::ForRegs(index)).gp();
__ Move(new_index, index, kWasmI32);
index = new_index;
LiftoffRegList pinned = LiftoffRegList::ForRegs(index);
// Get three temporary registers.
Register table = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
Register tmp_const = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
Register scratch = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
// Bounds check against the table size.
Label* invalid_func_label = AddOutOfLineTrap(
decoder->position(), WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapFuncInvalid);
uint32_t canonical_sig_num = env_->module->signature_ids[imm.sig_index];
DCHECK_GE(canonical_sig_num, 0);
DCHECK_GE(kMaxInt, canonical_sig_num);
// Compare against table size stored in
// {instance->indirect_function_table_size}.
LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(tmp_const, IndirectFunctionTableSize, kUInt32Size);
__ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, invalid_func_label, kWasmI32,
index, tmp_const);
// Mask the index to prevent SSCA.
if (FLAG_untrusted_code_mitigations) {
DEBUG_CODE_COMMENT("mask indirect call index");
// mask = ((index - size) & ~index) >> 31
// Reuse allocated registers; note: size is still stored in {tmp_const}.
Register diff = table;
Register neg_index = tmp_const;
Register mask = scratch;
// 1) diff = index - size
__ emit_i32_sub(diff, index, tmp_const);
// 2) neg_index = ~index
__ LoadConstant(LiftoffRegister(neg_index), WasmValue(int32_t{-1}));
__ emit_i32_xor(neg_index, neg_index, index);
// 3) mask = diff & neg_index
__ emit_i32_and(mask, diff, neg_index);
// 4) mask = mask >> 31
__ emit_i32_sari(mask, mask, 31);
// Apply mask.
__ emit_i32_and(index, index, mask);
DEBUG_CODE_COMMENT("check indirect call signature");
// Load the signature from {instance->ift_sig_ids[key]}
LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableSigIds, kSystemPointerSize);
// Shift {index} by 2 (multiply by 4) to represent kInt32Size items.
STATIC_ASSERT((1 << 2) == kInt32Size);
__ emit_i32_shli(index, index, 2);
__ Load(LiftoffRegister(scratch), table, index, 0, LoadType::kI32Load,
// Compare against expected signature.
__ LoadConstant(LiftoffRegister(tmp_const), WasmValue(canonical_sig_num));
Label* sig_mismatch_label = AddOutOfLineTrap(
decoder->position(), WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapFuncSigMismatch);
__ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, sig_mismatch_label,
LiftoffAssembler::kWasmIntPtr, scratch, tmp_const);
// At this point {index} has already been multiplied by 4.
DEBUG_CODE_COMMENT("execute indirect call");
if (kTaggedSize != kInt32Size) {
DCHECK_EQ(kTaggedSize, kInt32Size * 2);
// Multiply {index} by another 2 to represent kTaggedSize items.
__ emit_i32_add(index, index, index);
// At this point {index} has already been multiplied by kTaggedSize.
// Load the instance from {instance->ift_instances[key]}
LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableRefs);
__ LoadTaggedPointer(tmp_const, table, index,
if (kTaggedSize != kSystemPointerSize) {
DCHECK_EQ(kSystemPointerSize, kTaggedSize * 2);
// Multiply {index} by another 2 to represent kSystemPointerSize items.
__ emit_i32_add(index, index, index);
// At this point {index} has already been multiplied by kSystemPointerSize.
Register* explicit_instance = &tmp_const;
// Load the target from {instance->ift_targets[key]}
LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableTargets,
__ Load(LiftoffRegister(scratch), table, index, 0, kPointerLoadType,
auto call_descriptor =
compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, imm.sig);
call_descriptor =
GetLoweredCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, call_descriptor);
Register target = scratch;
__ PrepareCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor, &target, explicit_instance);
__ CallIndirect(imm.sig, call_descriptor, target);
safepoint_table_builder_.DefineSafepoint(&asm_, Safepoint::kNoLazyDeopt);
__ FinishCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor);
CallIndirect(decoder, index_val, imm, kNoReturnCall);
void ReturnCall(FullDecoder* decoder,
......@@ -2443,7 +2315,7 @@ class LiftoffCompiler {
void ReturnCallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index_val,
const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
const Value args[]) {
unsupported(decoder, kTailCall, "return_call_indirect");
CallIndirect(decoder, index_val, imm, kReturnCall);
void BrOnNull(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& ref_object, uint32_t depth) {
......@@ -3749,13 +3621,16 @@ class LiftoffCompiler {
ObjectAccess::ElementOffsetInTaggedFixedArray(imm.index), pinned);
Register* explicit_instance = &imported_function_ref;
// TODO(thibaudm): Implement indirect tail calls.
__ PrepareCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor, &target, explicit_instance);
if (call_kind == kReturnCall) {
unsupported(decoder, kTailCall, "tail calling imported function");
__ PrepareTailCall(
__ TailCallIndirect(target);
} else {
__ CallIndirect(imm.sig, call_descriptor, target);
__ PrepareCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor, &target, explicit_instance);
__ CallIndirect(imm.sig, call_descriptor, target);
} else {
// A direct call within this module just gets the current instance.
__ PrepareCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor);
......@@ -3781,6 +3656,148 @@ class LiftoffCompiler {
__ FinishCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor);
void CallIndirect(FullDecoder* decoder, const Value& index_val,
const CallIndirectImmediate<validate>& imm,
CallKind call_kind) {
if (imm.table_index != 0) {
return unsupported(decoder, kRefTypes, "table index != 0");
for (ValueType ret : imm.sig->returns()) {
if (!CheckSupportedType(decoder, kSupportedTypes, ret, "return")) {
// Place the source position before any stack manipulation, since this will
// be used for OSR in debugging.
__ pc_offset(), SourcePosition(decoder->position()), true);
// Pop the index.
Register index = __ PopToRegister().gp();
// If that register is still being used after popping, we move it to another
// register, because we want to modify that register.
if (__ cache_state()->is_used(LiftoffRegister(index))) {
Register new_index =
__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, LiftoffRegList::ForRegs(index)).gp();
__ Move(new_index, index, kWasmI32);
index = new_index;
LiftoffRegList pinned = LiftoffRegList::ForRegs(index);
// Get three temporary registers.
Register table = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
Register tmp_const = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
Register scratch = pinned.set(__ GetUnusedRegister(kGpReg, pinned)).gp();
// Bounds check against the table size.
Label* invalid_func_label = AddOutOfLineTrap(
decoder->position(), WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapFuncInvalid);
uint32_t canonical_sig_num = env_->module->signature_ids[imm.sig_index];
DCHECK_GE(canonical_sig_num, 0);
DCHECK_GE(kMaxInt, canonical_sig_num);
// Compare against table size stored in
// {instance->indirect_function_table_size}.
LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(tmp_const, IndirectFunctionTableSize, kUInt32Size);
__ emit_cond_jump(kUnsignedGreaterEqual, invalid_func_label, kWasmI32,
index, tmp_const);
// Mask the index to prevent SSCA.
if (FLAG_untrusted_code_mitigations) {
DEBUG_CODE_COMMENT("Mask indirect call index");
// mask = ((index - size) & ~index) >> 31
// Reuse allocated registers; note: size is still stored in {tmp_const}.
Register diff = table;
Register neg_index = tmp_const;
Register mask = scratch;
// 1) diff = index - size
__ emit_i32_sub(diff, index, tmp_const);
// 2) neg_index = ~index
__ LoadConstant(LiftoffRegister(neg_index), WasmValue(int32_t{-1}));
__ emit_i32_xor(neg_index, neg_index, index);
// 3) mask = diff & neg_index
__ emit_i32_and(mask, diff, neg_index);
// 4) mask = mask >> 31
__ emit_i32_sari(mask, mask, 31);
// Apply mask.
__ emit_i32_and(index, index, mask);
DEBUG_CODE_COMMENT("Check indirect call signature");
// Load the signature from {instance->ift_sig_ids[key]}
LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableSigIds, kSystemPointerSize);
// Shift {index} by 2 (multiply by 4) to represent kInt32Size items.
STATIC_ASSERT((1 << 2) == kInt32Size);
__ emit_i32_shli(index, index, 2);
__ Load(LiftoffRegister(scratch), table, index, 0, LoadType::kI32Load,
// Compare against expected signature.
__ LoadConstant(LiftoffRegister(tmp_const), WasmValue(canonical_sig_num));
Label* sig_mismatch_label = AddOutOfLineTrap(
decoder->position(), WasmCode::kThrowWasmTrapFuncSigMismatch);
__ emit_cond_jump(kUnequal, sig_mismatch_label,
LiftoffAssembler::kWasmIntPtr, scratch, tmp_const);
// At this point {index} has already been multiplied by 4.
DEBUG_CODE_COMMENT("Execute indirect call");
if (kTaggedSize != kInt32Size) {
DCHECK_EQ(kTaggedSize, kInt32Size * 2);
// Multiply {index} by another 2 to represent kTaggedSize items.
__ emit_i32_add(index, index, index);
// At this point {index} has already been multiplied by kTaggedSize.
// Load the instance from {instance->ift_instances[key]}
LOAD_TAGGED_PTR_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableRefs);
__ LoadTaggedPointer(tmp_const, table, index,
if (kTaggedSize != kSystemPointerSize) {
DCHECK_EQ(kSystemPointerSize, kTaggedSize * 2);
// Multiply {index} by another 2 to represent kSystemPointerSize items.
__ emit_i32_add(index, index, index);
// At this point {index} has already been multiplied by kSystemPointerSize.
Register* explicit_instance = &tmp_const;
// Load the target from {instance->ift_targets[key]}
LOAD_INSTANCE_FIELD(table, IndirectFunctionTableTargets,
__ Load(LiftoffRegister(scratch), table, index, 0, kPointerLoadType,
auto call_descriptor =
compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, imm.sig);
call_descriptor =
GetLoweredCallDescriptor(compilation_zone_, call_descriptor);
Register target = scratch;
__ PrepareCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor, &target, explicit_instance);
if (call_kind == kReturnCall) {
__ PrepareTailCall(
__ TailCallIndirect(target);
} else {
__ CallIndirect(imm.sig, call_descriptor, target);
safepoint_table_builder_.DefineSafepoint(&asm_, Safepoint::kNoLazyDeopt);
__ FinishCall(imm.sig, call_descriptor);
static constexpr WasmOpcode kNoOutstandingOp = kExprUnreachable;
LiftoffAssembler asm_;
......@@ -3900,6 +3900,18 @@ void LiftoffAssembler::CallIndirect(const wasm::FunctionSig* sig,
void LiftoffAssembler::TailCallIndirect(Register target) {
if (target == no_reg) {
target = kScratchRegister;
if (FLAG_untrusted_code_mitigations) {
} else {
void LiftoffAssembler::CallRuntimeStub(WasmCode::RuntimeStubId sid) {
// A direct call to a wasm runtime stub defined in this module.
// Just encode the stub index. This will be patched at relocation.
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