Commit 05b7b265 authored by's avatar

- Update comments and fix a small glitch in the ARM disassembler.

- Fix the use of OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() when running with
  the simulator.
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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 13bf328e
......@@ -506,17 +506,25 @@ void Decoder::DecodeType01(Instr* instr) {
// multiply instructions
if (instr->Bit(23) == 0) {
if (instr->Bit(21) == 0) {
// Mul calls it Rd. Everyone else calls it Rn.
// The MUL instruction description (A 4.1.33) refers to Rd as being
// the destination for the operation, but it confusingly uses the
// Rn field to encode it.
Format(instr, "mul'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rs");
} else {
// In the manual the order is rd, rm, rs, rn. But mla swaps the
// positions of rn and rd in the encoding.
// The MLA instruction description (A 4.1.28) refers to the order
// of registers as "Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn". But confusingly it uses the
// Rn field to encode the Rd register and the Rd field to encode
// the Rn register.
Format(instr, "mla'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rs, 'rd");
} else {
// In the manual the order is RdHi, RdLo, Rm, Rs.
// RdHi is what other instructions call Rn and RdLo is Rd.
Format(instr, "'um'al'cond's 'rn, 'rd, 'rm, 'rs");
// The signed/long multiply instructions use the terms RdHi and RdLo
// when referring to the target registers. They are mapped to the Rn
// and Rd fields as follows:
// RdLo == Rd field
// RdHi == Rn field
// The order of registers is: <RdLo>, <RdHi>, <Rm>, <Rs>
Format(instr, "'um'al'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, 'rs");
} else {
Unknown(instr); // not used by V8
......@@ -290,11 +290,24 @@ void MacroAssembler::EnterExitFrame(StackFrame::Type type) {
// Align the stack at this point. After this point we have 5 pushes,
// so in fact we have to unalign here! See also the assert on the
// alignment immediately below.
if (OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() != kPointerSize) {
#if defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_ARM)
// Running on the real platform. Use the alignment as mandated by the local
// environment.
// Note: This will break if we ever start generating snapshots on one ARM
// platform for another ARM platform with a different alignment.
int activation_frame_alignment = OS::ActivationFrameAlignment();
#else // defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_ARM)
// If we are using the simulator then we should always align to the expected
// alignment. As the simulator is used to generate snapshots we do not know
// if the target platform will need alignment, so we will always align at
// this point here.
int activation_frame_alignment = 2 * kPointerSize;
#endif // defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_ARM)
if (activation_frame_alignment != kPointerSize) {
// This code needs to be made more general if this assert doesn't hold.
ASSERT(OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() == 2 * kPointerSize);
ASSERT(activation_frame_alignment == 2 * kPointerSize);
mov(r7, Operand(Smi::FromInt(0)));
tst(sp, Operand(OS::ActivationFrameAlignment() - 1));
tst(sp, Operand(activation_frame_alignment - 1));
push(r7, eq); // Conditional push instruction.
......@@ -1080,25 +1080,44 @@ void Simulator::DecodeType01(Instr* instr) {
// multiply instruction or extra loads and stores
if (instr->Bits(7, 4) == 9) {
if (instr->Bit(24) == 0) {
// Multiply instructions have Rd in a funny place.
int rd = instr->RnField();
// Raw field decoding here. Multiply instructions have their Rd in
// funny places.
int rn = instr->RnField();
int rm = instr->RmField();
int rs = instr->RsField();
int32_t rs_val = get_register(rs);
int32_t rm_val = get_register(rm);
if (instr->Bit(23) == 0) {
if (instr->Bit(21) == 0) {
// The MUL instruction description (A 4.1.33) refers to Rd as being
// the destination for the operation, but it confusingly uses the
// Rn field to encode it.
// Format(instr, "mul'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rs");
int rd = rn; // Remap the rn field to the Rd register.
int32_t alu_out = rm_val * rs_val;
set_register(rd, alu_out);
if (instr->HasS()) {
} else {
UNIMPLEMENTED(); // mla is not used by V8.
// The MLA instruction description (A 4.1.28) refers to the order
// of registers as "Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn". But confusingly it uses the
// Rn field to encode the Rd register and the Rd field to encode
// the Rn register.
Format(instr, "mla'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rs, 'rd");
} else {
// Format(instr, "'um'al'cond's 'rn, 'rd, 'rs, 'rm");
// The signed/long multiply instructions use the terms RdHi and RdLo
// when referring to the target registers. They are mapped to the Rn
// and Rd fields as follows:
// RdLo == Rd
// RdHi == Rn (This is confusingly stored in variable rd here
// because the mul instruction from above uses the
// Rn field to encode the Rd register. Good luck figuring
// this out without reading the ARM instruction manual
// at a very detailed level.)
// Format(instr, "'um'al'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'rs, 'rm");
int rd_hi = rn; // Remap the rn field to the RdHi register.
int rd_lo = instr->RdField();
int32_t hi_res = 0;
int32_t lo_res = 0;
......@@ -1117,7 +1136,7 @@ void Simulator::DecodeType01(Instr* instr) {
lo_res = static_cast<int32_t>(result & 0xffffffff);
set_register(rd_lo, lo_res);
set_register(rd, hi_res);
set_register(rd_hi, hi_res);
if (instr->HasS()) {
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