Let releases script retrieve information about chromium branches.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/238443005

git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@20972 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent d557425a
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
# This script retrieves the history of all V8 branches and trunk revisions and
# their corresponding Chromium revisions.
# Requires a chromium checkout with branch heads:
# gclient sync --with_branch_heads
# gclient fetch
import argparse
import csv
import itertools
......@@ -87,6 +91,7 @@ def BuildRevisionRanges(cr_releases):
entry is the only one of the form R1, as there is no end range.
cr_releases is a list of [cr_rev, v8_rev] reverse-sorted by cr_rev.
cr_rev either refers to a chromium svn revision or a chromium branch number.
range_lists = {}
cr_releases = FilterDuplicatesAndReverse(cr_releases)
......@@ -174,6 +179,8 @@ class RetrieveV8Releases(Step):
"patches_merged": patches,
# Default for easier output formatting.
"chromium_revision": "",
# Default for easier output formatting.
"chromium_branch": "",
# Link to the CL on code review. Trunk pushes are not uploaded, so this
# field will be populated below with the recent roll CL link.
"review_link": MatchSafe(REVIEW_LINK_RE.search(body)),
......@@ -326,6 +333,64 @@ class RetrieveChromiumV8Releases(Step):
for revision, ranges in all_ranges.iteritems():
trunk_dict.get(revision, {})["chromium_revision"] = ranges
# TODO(machenbach): Unify common code with method above.
class RietrieveChromiumBranches(Step):
MESSAGE = "Retrieve Chromium branch information."
REQUIRES = "chrome_path"
def RunStep(self):
trunk_releases = filter(lambda r: r["branch"] == "trunk", self["releases"])
if not trunk_releases: # pragma: no cover
print "No trunk releases detected. Skipping chromium history."
return True
oldest_v8_rev = int(trunk_releases[-1]["revision"])
# Filter out irrelevant branches.
branches = filter(lambda r: re.match(r"branch-heads/\d+", r),
# Transform into pure branch numbers.
branches = map(lambda r: int(re.match(r"branch-heads/(\d+)", r).group(1)),
branches = sorted(branches, reverse=True)
cr_branches = []
for branch in branches:
if not self.GitCheckoutFileSafe(self._config[DEPS_FILE],
"branch-heads/%d" % branch):
break # pragma: no cover
deps = FileToText(self.Config(DEPS_FILE))
match = DEPS_RE.search(deps)
if match:
v8_rev = match.group(1)
cr_branches.append([str(branch), v8_rev])
# Stop after reaching beyond the last v8 revision we want to update.
# We need a small buffer for possible revert/reland frenzies.
# TODO(machenbach): Subtraction is not git friendly.
if int(v8_rev) < oldest_v8_rev - 100:
break # pragma: no cover
# Allow Ctrl-C interrupt.
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # pragma: no cover
# Clean up.
self.GitCheckoutFileSafe(self._config[DEPS_FILE], "HEAD")
# Add the chromium branches to the v8 trunk releases.
all_ranges = BuildRevisionRanges(cr_branches)
trunk_dict = dict((r["revision"], r) for r in trunk_releases)
for revision, ranges in all_ranges.iteritems():
trunk_dict.get(revision, {})["chromium_branch"] = ranges
class SwitchV8(Step):
MESSAGE = "Returning to V8 checkout."
REQUIRES = "chrome_path"
......@@ -388,6 +453,7 @@ class Releases(ScriptsBase):
......@@ -1226,6 +1226,11 @@ LOG=N
Git("checkout -f c_hash2 -- %s" % TEST_CONFIG[DEPS_FILE], "",
Git("svn find-rev c_hash2", "4567"),
Git("checkout -f HEAD -- %s" % TEST_CONFIG[DEPS_FILE], "",
Git("branch -r", " weird/123\n branch-heads/7\n"),
Git("checkout -f branch-heads/7 -- %s" % TEST_CONFIG[DEPS_FILE], "",
Git("checkout -f HEAD -- %s" % TEST_CONFIG[DEPS_FILE], "",
Git("checkout -f master", ""),
......@@ -1250,15 +1255,15 @@ LOG=N
expected_json = [
{"bleeding_edge": "", "patches_merged": "", "version": "3.22.3",
"chromium_revision": "4567", "branch": "trunk", "revision": "345",
"review_link": "", "date": "",
"review_link": "", "date": "", "chromium_branch": "7",
"revision_link": "https://code.google.com/p/v8/source/detail?r=345"},
{"patches_merged": "", "bleeding_edge": "", "version": "3.21.2",
"chromium_revision": "", "branch": "3.21", "revision": "123",
"review_link": "", "date": "03:15",
"review_link": "", "date": "03:15", "chromium_branch": "",
"revision_link": "https://code.google.com/p/v8/source/detail?r=123"},
{"patches_merged": "12", "bleeding_edge": "", "version": "",
"chromium_revision": "", "branch": "3.3", "revision": "234",
"review_link": "fake.com", "date": "18:15",
"review_link": "fake.com", "date": "18:15", "chromium_branch": "",
"revision_link": "https://code.google.com/p/v8/source/detail?r=234"},
self.assertEquals(expected_json, json.loads(FileToText(json_output)))
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