Let auto-roll push the lkgr.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/205703004

git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@20168 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 2aaaeb78
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ CONFIG = {
SETTINGS_LOCATION: "~/.auto-roll",
PUSH_MESSAGE_RE = re.compile(r".* \(based on bleeding_edge revision r(\d+)\)$")
class Preparation(Step):
MESSAGE = "Preparation."
......@@ -77,42 +79,40 @@ class CheckTreeStatus(Step):
% self["tree_message"])
class FetchLatestRevision(Step):
MESSAGE = "Fetching latest V8 revision."
class FetchLKGR(Step):
MESSAGE = "Fetching V8 LKGR."
def RunStep(self):
match = re.match(r"^r(\d+) ", self.GitSVNLog())
if not match: # pragma: no cover
self.Die("Could not extract current svn revision from log.")
self["latest"] = match.group(1)
lkgr_url = "https://v8-status.appspot.com/lkgr"
# Retry several times since app engine might have issues.
self["lkgr"] = self.ReadURL(lkgr_url, wait_plan=[5, 20, 300, 300])
class CheckLastPush(Step):
MESSAGE = "Checking last V8 push to trunk."
def RunStep(self):
last_push_hash = self.FindLastTrunkPush()
last_push = int(self.GitSVNFindSVNRev(last_push_hash))
last_push = self.FindLastTrunkPush()
# Retrieve the bleeding edge revision of the last push from the text in
# the push commit message.
last_push_title = self.GitLog(n=1, format="%s", git_hash=last_push)
last_push_be = PUSH_MESSAGE_RE.match(last_push_title).group(1)
if not last_push_be: # pragma: no cover
self.Die("Could not retrieve bleeding edge revision for trunk push %s"
% last_push)
# TODO(machenbach): This metric counts all revisions. It could be
# improved by counting only the revisions on bleeding_edge.
if int(self["latest"]) - last_push < 10: # pragma: no cover
if int(self["lkgr"]) - int(last_push_be) < 10: # pragma: no cover
# This makes sure the script doesn't push twice in a row when the cron
# job retries several times.
self.Die("Last push too recently: %d" % last_push)
class FetchLKGR(Step):
MESSAGE = "Fetching V8 LKGR."
def RunStep(self):
lkgr_url = "https://v8-status.appspot.com/lkgr"
# Retry several times since app engine might have issues.
self["lkgr"] = self.ReadURL(lkgr_url, wait_plan=[5, 20, 300, 300])
self.Die("Last push too recently: %s" % last_push_be)
class PushToTrunk(Step):
MESSAGE = "Pushing to trunk if possible."
MESSAGE = "Pushing to trunk if specified."
def PushTreeStatus(self, message):
if not self._options.status_password:
......@@ -129,26 +129,21 @@ class PushToTrunk(Step):
wait_plan=[5, 20])
def RunStep(self):
latest = int(self["latest"])
lkgr = int(self["lkgr"])
if latest == lkgr:
print "ToT (r%d) is clean. Pushing to trunk." % latest
self.PushTreeStatus("Tree is closed (preparing to push)")
# TODO(machenbach): Update the script before calling it.
if self._options.push:
P = push_to_trunk.PushToTrunk
P(push_to_trunk.CONFIG, self._side_effect_handler).Run,
["-a", self._options.author,
"-r", self._options.reviewer,
print("ToT (r%d) is ahead of the LKGR (r%d). Skipping push to trunk."
% (latest, lkgr))
print "Pushing lkgr %s to trunk." % self["lkgr"]
self.PushTreeStatus("Tree is closed (preparing to push)")
# TODO(machenbach): Update the script before calling it.
if self._options.push:
P = push_to_trunk.PushToTrunk
P(push_to_trunk.CONFIG, self._side_effect_handler).Run,
["-author", self._options.author,
"-reviewer", self._options.reviewer,
"-revision", self["lkgr"],
class AutoRoll(ScriptsBase):
......@@ -173,9 +168,8 @@ class AutoRoll(ScriptsBase):
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import unittest
import auto_roll
from auto_roll import CheckLastPush
from auto_roll import FetchLatestRevision
from auto_roll import SETTINGS_LOCATION
import common_includes
from common_includes import *
......@@ -832,11 +831,15 @@ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.""", commit)
def testCheckLastPushRecently(self):
Git("svn log -1 --oneline", "r101 | Text"),
Git("svn log -1 --oneline ChangeLog", "r99 | Prepare push to trunk..."),
Git(("log -1 --format=%H --grep="
"\"^Version [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]* (based\" "
"svn/trunk"), "hash2\n"),
Git("log -1 --format=%s hash2",
"Version 3.4.5 (based on bleeding_edge revision r99)\n"),
self.RunStep(auto_roll.AutoRoll, FetchLatestRevision, AUTO_ROLL_ARGS)
self._state["lkgr"] = "101"
self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: self.RunStep(auto_roll.AutoRoll,
......@@ -864,11 +867,11 @@ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.""", commit)
Git("status -s -uno", ""),
Git("status -s -b -uno", "## some_branch\n"),
Git("svn fetch", ""),
Git("svn log -1 --oneline", "r100 | Text"),
Git(("log -1 --format=%H --grep=\""
"^Version [[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]* (based\""
" svn/trunk"), "push_hash\n"),
Git("svn find-rev push_hash", "65"),
Git("log -1 --format=%s push_hash",
"Version 3.4.5 (based on bleeding_edge revision r79)\n"),
auto_roll.AutoRoll(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(
......@@ -878,7 +881,6 @@ Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.""", commit)
self.assertEquals("100", state["lkgr"])
self.assertEquals("100", state["latest"])
def testAutoRollStoppedBySettings(self):
TEST_CONFIG[DOT_GIT_LOCATION] = self.MakeEmptyTempFile()
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