Commit 0119e809 authored by's avatar

Updating a comment in InternalStringToInt.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 9877ea8b
......@@ -357,9 +357,10 @@ static double InternalStringToInt(Iterator current, EndMark end, int radix) {
return sign ? -gay_strtod(buffer, NULL) : gay_strtod(buffer, NULL);
// TODO(serya): The following legacy code causes accumulating rounding
// error for number greater than ~2^56. It should be rewritten using long
// arithmetic.
// The following code causes accumulating rounding error for numbers greater
// than ~2^56. It's explicitly allowed in the spec: "if R is not 2, 4, 8, 10,
// 16, or 32, then mathInt may be an implementation-dependent approximation to
// the mathematical integer value" (
int lim_0 = '0' + (radix < 10 ? radix : 10);
int lim_a = 'a' + (radix - 10);
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