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// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

- Duplicate parameters are allowed for
  - non-arrow functions which are not conscise methods *and*
  - when the parameter list is simple *and*
  - we're in sloppy mode (incl. the function doesn't declare itself strict).

function assertDuplicateParametersError(code) {
  caught = false;
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    // Assert that it's the duplicate parameters error, and e.g,. not a syntax
    // error because of a typo in the test.
    assertTrue(e.message.startsWith("Duplicate parameter name not allowed"));
    caught = true;
  } finally {

FunctionType = {
  NORMAL : 0,
  ARROW : 1,
  METHOD : 2,

Laziness = {
  EAGER : 0,
  LAZY : 2

Strictness = {
  SLOPPY : 0,
  STRICT : 1,

function testHelper(type, strict, lazy, duplicate_params_string, ok) {
  code = ""
  strict_inside = "";
  if (strict == Strictness.STRICT) {
    code = "'use strict'; ";
  } else if (strict == Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION) {
    strict_inside = "'use strict'; ";
  } else {
    assertEquals(strict, Strictness.SLOPPY);

  if (type == FunctionType.NORMAL) {
    if (lazy == Laziness.EAGER) {
      code += "(function foo(" + duplicate_params_string + ") { " + strict_inside + "})";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY) {
      code += "function foo(" + duplicate_params_string + ") { " + strict_inside + "}";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY) {
      code += 'function lazy() { function foo(' + duplicate_params_string +
          ') { ' + strict_inside + '} }';
    } else {
  } else if (type == FunctionType.ARROW) {
    if (lazy == Laziness.EAGER) {
      // Force an arrow function to be eager by making its body trivial.
      assertEquals(strict, Strictness.SLOPPY);
      code += "(" + duplicate_params_string + ") => 1";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY) {
      // Duplicate parameters in non-simple parameter lists are not recognized
      // at the laziness boundary, when the lazy function is an arrow
      // function. Hack around this by calling the function. See
      // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=6108.
      let simple = /^[a-z, ]*$/.test(duplicate_params_string);
      if (simple) {
        code += "(" + duplicate_params_string + ") => { " + strict_inside + "};";
      } else {
        code += "let foo = (" + duplicate_params_string + ") => { " + strict_inside + "}; foo();";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY) {
      // PreParser cannot detect duplicates in arrow function parameters. When
      // parsing the parameter list, it doesn't know it's an arrow function
      // parameter list, so it just discards the identifiers, and cannot do the
      // check any more when it sees the arrow. Work around this by calling the
      // function which forces parsing it.
      code += 'function lazy() { (' + duplicate_params_string + ') => { ' +
          strict_inside + '} } lazy();';
    } else {
  } else if (type == FunctionType.METHOD) {
    code += "var o = {";
    if (lazy == Laziness.EAGER) {
      code += "foo : (function(" + duplicate_params_string + ") { " + strict_inside + "})";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY) {
      code += "foo : function(" + duplicate_params_string + ") { " + strict_inside + "}";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY) {
      code += 'lazy: function() { function foo(' + duplicate_params_string +
          ') { ' + strict_inside + '} }';
    } else {
    code += "};";
  } else if (type == FunctionType.CONCISE_METHOD) {
    if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY) {
      code += "var o = { foo(" + duplicate_params_string + ") { " + strict_inside + "} };";
    } else if (lazy == Laziness.LAZY) {
      code += 'function lazy() { var o = { foo(' + duplicate_params_string +
          ') { ' + strict_inside + '} }; }';
    } else {
  } else {

  if (ok) {
  } else {

function test(type, strict, lazy, ok_if_param_list_simple) {
  // Simple duplicate params.
  testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, dup, dup, b", ok_if_param_list_simple)
130 131 132 133 134 135 136

  if (strict != Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION) {
    // Generate test cases where the duplicate parameter occurs because of
    // destructuring or the rest parameter. That is always an error: duplicate
    // parameters are only allowed in simple parameter lists. These tests are
    // not possible if a function declares itself strict, since non-simple
    // parameters are not allowed then.
137 138 139 140 141 142
    testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, [dup], dup, b", false);
    testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, dup, {b: dup}, c", false);
    testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, {dup}, [dup], b", false);
    testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, dup, ...dup", false);
    testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, dup, dup, ...rest", false);
    testHelper(type, strict, lazy, "a, dup, dup, b = 1", false);
143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

// No duplicate parameters allowed for arrow functions even in sloppy mode.
test(FunctionType.ARROW, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.EAGER, false);
test(FunctionType.ARROW, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, false);
test(FunctionType.ARROW, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY, false);

// Duplicate parameters allowed for normal functions in sloppy mode.
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.EAGER, true);
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, true);
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY, true);

test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.STRICT, Laziness.EAGER, false);
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.STRICT, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, false);
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.STRICT, Laziness.LAZY, false);

test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION, Laziness.EAGER, false);
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, false);
test(FunctionType.NORMAL, Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION, Laziness.LAZY, false);

// No duplicate parameters allowed for conscise methods even in sloppy mode.
test(FunctionType.CONCISE_METHOD, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, false);
test(FunctionType.CONCISE_METHOD, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY, false);

// But non-concise methods follow the rules for normal funcs.
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.EAGER, true);
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, true);
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.SLOPPY, Laziness.LAZY, true);

test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.STRICT, Laziness.EAGER, false);
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.STRICT, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, false);
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.STRICT, Laziness.LAZY, false);

test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION, Laziness.EAGER, false);
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION, Laziness.LAZY_BOUNDARY, false);
test(FunctionType.METHOD, Strictness.STRICT_FUNCTION, Laziness.LAZY, false);