Commit b291d6df authored by Linshizhi's avatar Linshizhi

Add RBLKS, WBLKS field to channel.

parent 77d8fb3f
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -44,19 +44,26 @@ export class Channel {
* 2.Read Position
* Figure:
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | ReadPointer (4 bytes) | WritePointer (4 Bytes) | Private (4 Bytes) | WBlocks (2 Bytes) | RBlocks (2 Bytes) | Data Area (N bytes) |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | ReadPointer (4 bytes) | WritePointer (4 Bytes) | RBlks (1 Byte) | WBlks (1 Bytes) | Private (2 Bytes) | Data Area (N bytes) |
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* where N >= 2
* */
#rFieldPosLen = 4;
#wFieldPosLen = 4;
#priFieldLen = 4;
#numOfMetaField = 3;
#rBlkFieldLen = 1;
#wBlkFieldLen = 1;
#priFieldLen = 2;
#fieldSize = 0;
#rPtrShift = 0;
#wPtrShift = this.#rPtrShift + this.#rFieldPosLen;
#rBlkShift = this.#wPtrShift + this.#wFieldPosLen;
#wBlkShift = this.#rBlkShift + this.#rBlkFieldLen;
#priShift = this.#wBlkShift + this.#wBlkFieldLen;
#metaSize = 0;
#size = 0;
#totalSize = 0;
......@@ -86,7 +93,8 @@ export class Channel {
this.#size = size+1;
// Init shared memory
this.#metaSize = this.#rFieldPosLen + this.#wFieldPosLen + this.#priFieldLen;
this.#metaSize = this.#rFieldPosLen + this.#wFieldPosLen +
this.#rBlkFieldLen + this.#wBlkFieldLen + this.#priFieldLen;
this.#shMem = shMem == null ? new bufferType(this.#size + this.#metaSize) : shMem;
this.#view = new DataView(this.#shMem);
......@@ -97,8 +105,8 @@ export class Channel {
// Init readPointer and writePointer to
// the first bytes of data area.
this.#view.setUint32(0, this.#writePointerCache);
this.#view.setUint32(4, this.#readPointerCache);
this.#view.setUint32(this.#wPtrShift, this.#writePointerCache);
this.#view.setUint32(this.#rPtrShift, this.#readPointerCache);
this.#totalSize = this.#metaSize + this.#size;
this.#endPos = this.#metaSize + this.#size;
......@@ -107,11 +115,11 @@ export class Channel {
#getReadPointer() {
return this.#view.getUint32(0);
return this.#view.getUint32(this.#rPtrShift);
#getWritePointer() {
return this.#view.getUint32(4);
return this.#view.getUint32(this.#wPtrShift);
metaSize() {
......@@ -119,12 +127,12 @@ export class Channel {
readPriv() {
return this.#view.getUint32(8);
return this.#view.getUint16(this.#priShift);
writePriv(privData) {
try {
this.#view.setUint32(8, privData);
this.#view.setUint16(this.#priShift, privData);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof RangeError)
return false;
......@@ -153,6 +161,22 @@ export class Channel {
this.#mode = CHANNEL_MODE.BYTE;
getRBlks() {
return this.#view.getUint8(this.#rBlkShift);
setRBlks(num) {
this.#view.setUint8(this.#rBlkShift, num);
getWBlks() {
return this.#view.getUint8(this.#wBlkShift);
setWBlks(num) {
this.#view.setUint8(this.#wBlkShift, num);
isSetPriv(flag) {
let flags = this.readPriv();
return flags & flag;
......@@ -165,7 +189,7 @@ export class Channel {
unsetPriv(flag) {
let old = this.readPriv();
flag = flag ^ 0x11111111;
flag = flag ^ 0x1111;
this.writePriv(flag & old);
......@@ -277,7 +301,6 @@ export class Channel {
this.#writePointerCache = this.#getWritePointer();
this.#readPointerCache = this.#getReadPointer();
console.log(this.#readPointerCache, this.#writePointerCache);
if (!this.#isAbleToWrite(size)) {
return [];
......@@ -366,12 +389,12 @@ export class Channel {
#writePointerUpdate(pos) {
this.#writePointerCache = pos;
this.#view.setUint32(4, pos);
this.#view.setUint32(this.#wPtrShift, pos);
#readPointerUpdate(pos) {
this.#readPointerCache = pos;
this.#view.setUint32(0, pos);
this.#view.setUint32(this.#rPtrShift, pos);
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