• Stefano Sabatini's avatar
    tools: add ffeval tool · 24860a91
    Stefano Sabatini authored
    The tool is useful for testing the internal arithmetic evaluation engine
    (indeed I plan to use it in FATE), and provides a handy calculator when
    you can't rely on bc ;-).
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build_libstagefright Loading commit data...
clean-diff Loading commit data...
cws2fws.c Loading commit data...
enum_options.c Loading commit data...
ffeval.c Loading commit data...
graph2dot.c Loading commit data...
lavfi-showfiltfmts.c Loading commit data...
patcheck Loading commit data...
pktdumper.c Loading commit data...
probetest.c Loading commit data...
qt-faststart.c Loading commit data...
trasher.c Loading commit data...
unwrap-diff Loading commit data...