• Michael Niedermayer's avatar
    Add coverity model file · 52a1a55f
    Michael Niedermayer authored
    The comments/header of the file are taken from qemu, they provide some
    basic documentation
    The code from the examples
    Ive no means to test this except uploading to coverity for FFmpeg, so each
    commit should stay simple, making it easy to revert.
    Also please help making this a useful and effective file by contributing
    changes/code to it and reviewing contributions.
    I am happy to upload changes but i cannot really maintain this (alone) as
    i cannot test changes.
    Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
Last commit
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bookmarklets.html Loading commit data...
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coverity.c Loading commit data...
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