1. 02 Apr, 2019 7 commits
  2. 01 Apr, 2019 6 commits
  3. 31 Mar, 2019 18 commits
  4. 30 Mar, 2019 4 commits
    • Philip Langdale's avatar
      avutil/hcontext_cuda: Remove unnecessary stream synchronisation · 52d8f35b
      Philip Langdale authored
      Similarly to the previous changes, we don't need to synchronise
      after a memcpy to device memory. On the other hand, we need to
      keep synchronising after a copy to host memory, otherwise there's
      no guarantee that subsequent host reads will return valid data.
    • Philip Langdale's avatar
      avcodec/cuviddec: Remove unnecessary stream synchronisation · 5d90d1e3
      Philip Langdale authored
      We're also doing a sync here after copying the frame to be passed
      on down the pipleine. And it is also unnecessary.
      I was able to demonstrate a 33% speedup removing the sync from
      an example transcode pipeline.
    • Philip Langdale's avatar
      avfilter/vf_yadif_cuda: Remove unnecessary stream synchronisation · c0b6e4cb
      Philip Langdale authored
      I put this call in by habit, rather than because there was any
      actual need. The filter is simply processing frames one after
      the other and has no need to synchronise.
      malakudi on the devtalk forums noticed a slowdown when using nvenc
      with temporal/spatial aq and that the slowdown went away if the
      sync call was removed. I also verified that in the basic encoding
      case there's an observable speedup.
      I also verified that we aren't doing unnecessary sync calls in any
      other filter.
    • Gyan Doshi's avatar
      doc/filters: mention input requirements for ebur128 · 5282cbae
      Gyan Doshi authored
      The filter requires input stream to have sample rate 48000 Hz and dbl fmt.
      Fixes #7812
  5. 29 Mar, 2019 4 commits
  6. 28 Mar, 2019 1 commit