1. 15 Sep, 2012 2 commits
    • Michael Niedermayer's avatar
      bintext: mark hscroll() as unused · ab94d1be
      Michael Niedermayer authored
      This fixes a warning about a unused function
      Alternatively the function could be removed
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
    • Akihiro Tsukada's avatar
      aacdec: add support for dual mono in Japanese DTV · c3c646a8
      Akihiro Tsukada authored
      Japanese DTV uses some non standard extensions in AAC audio.
      One example is 'dual mono', which combines two independent
      audio into one stereo stream, storing them in left and right channels
      respectively.  Historically, dual mono audio has been used for
      multi-lingual audio, one for local/native language, and another for english,
      and usually the "main" (local language) channel should be output without
      any user interactions.
      The frames of those dual mono audio are allowed to set
      ADTS channel_config field to 0, and just contain two SCE's *WITHOUT* PCE,
      which is a non standard extension by Japanese DTV standard.
      (ref. ARIB STD-B32 PartII 5.2.3)
      This patch adds an AVPacket side data, AV_PKT_DATA_JP_DUALMONO,
      which indicates that the AVPacket is likely to contain an audio frame
      with the above dual mono extension, and has the parameter to specify
      the desired channel selection in that case.
      It also makes aacdec to detect dual mono and output just the desired
      channel when this side data is attached.
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarAkihiro Tsukada <atsukada@users.sourceforge.net>
      Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
  2. 14 Sep, 2012 14 commits
  3. 13 Sep, 2012 24 commits