Commit fb17ba86 authored by rcombs's avatar rcombs

compat/cuda/ptx2c: remove shell loop; fix BSD sed compat

This fixes building on macOS, and improves build times dramatically there
parent 782865bf
......@@ -27,10 +27,8 @@ IN="$2"
NAME="$(basename "$IN" | sed 's/\..*//')"
printf "const char %s_ptx[] = \\" "$NAME" > "$OUT"
while IFS= read -r LINE
printf "\n\t\"%s\\\n\"" "$(printf "%s" "$LINE" | sed -e 's/\r//g' -e 's/["\\]/\\&/g')" >> "$OUT"
done < "$IN"
printf ";\n" >> "$OUT"
echo >> "$OUT"
sed -e "$(printf 's/\r//g')" -e 's/["\\]/\\&/g' -e "$(printf 's/^/\t"/')" -e 's/$/\\n"/' < "$IN" >> "$OUT"
echo ";" >> "$OUT"
exit 0
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