Commit f840692f authored by Nick Kurshev's avatar Nick Kurshev

headers installation

Originally committed as revision 196 to svn://
parent 0319c531
......@@ -100,11 +100,13 @@ motion-test: motion_test.o $(LIB)
$(CC) -o $@ $^
install: all
# install -s -m 644 $(LIB) $(prefix)/lib
# install -m 644 $(LIB) $(prefix)/lib
ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED),yes)
install -s -m 755 $(SLIB) $(prefix)/lib
ln -sf $(prefix)/lib/$(SLIB) $(prefix)/lib/
mkdir -p $(prefix)/include/libffmpeg
install -m 644 avcodec.h $(prefix)/include/libffmpeg/avcodec.h
# include dependency files if they exist
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