Commit efa85e5e authored by Vitor Sessak's avatar Vitor Sessak

Another simplification

Originally committed as revision 14269 to svn://
parent 4a51e06b
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static int pred(float *in, float *tgt, int n)
in--; // To avoid a -1 subtraction in the inner loop
for (x=1; x <= n; x++) {
float *p1 = in + x;
float *p1 = tgt + x - 1;
float *p2 = tgt;
f1 = in[x+1];
......@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ static int pred(float *in, float *tgt, int n)
for (y=0; y < x - 1; y++)
f1 += in[x-y]*tgt[y];
p1 = tgt + x - 1;
p2 = tgt;
*(p1--) = f2 = -f1/f0;
for (y=x >> 1; y--;) {
float temp = *p2 + *p1 * f2;
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