Commit e990d746 authored by Ricardo Constantino's avatar Ricardo Constantino Committed by Michael Niedermayer

configure: Use libgcrypt-config if available

Signed-off-by: 's avatarRicardo Constantino <>
Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <>
parent 26abdd61
......@@ -5419,7 +5419,6 @@ enabled avisynth && { { check_lib2 "windows.h" LoadLibrary; } ||
enabled chromaprint && require chromaprint chromaprint.h chromaprint_get_version -lchromaprint
enabled decklink && { check_header DeckLinkAPI.h || die "ERROR: DeckLinkAPI.h header not found"; }
enabled frei0r && { check_header frei0r.h || die "ERROR: frei0r.h header not found"; }
enabled gcrypt && require2 gcrypt gcrypt.h gcry_mpi_new -lgcrypt
enabled gmp && require2 gmp gmp.h mpz_export -lgmp
enabled gnutls && require_pkg_config gnutls gnutls/gnutls.h gnutls_global_init
enabled ladspa && { check_header ladspa.h || die "ERROR: ladspa.h header not found"; }
......@@ -5575,6 +5574,17 @@ if enabled libdc1394; then
enable libdc1394_1; } ||
die "ERROR: No version of libdc1394 found "
if enabled gcrypt; then
if "${GCRYPT_CONFIG}" --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
gcrypt_libs=$("${GCRYPT_CONFIG}" --libs)
require2 gcrypt gcrypt.h gcry_mpi_new $gcrypt_libs
require2 gcrypt gcrypt.h gcry_mpi_new -lgcrypt
if ! disabled sdl; then
if check_pkg_config sdl SDL_events.h SDL_PollEvent; then
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