Commit dd0090eb authored by Paul B Mahol's avatar Paul B Mahol

avcodec/xpmdec: fix colors values which are different for X11

Signed-off-by: 's avatarPaul B Mahol <>
parent 2b790b1c
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ static const ColorEntry color_table[] = {
{ "GhostWhite", 0xFFF8F8FF },
{ "Gold", 0xFFFFD700 },
{ "GoldenRod", 0xFFDAA520 },
{ "Gray", 0xFF808080 },
{ "Green", 0xFF008000 },
{ "Gray", 0xFFBEBEBE },
{ "Green", 0xFF00FF00 },
{ "GreenYellow", 0xFFADFF2F },
{ "HoneyDew", 0xFFF0FFF0 },
{ "HotPink", 0xFFFF69B4 },
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static const ColorEntry color_table[] = {
{ "LimeGreen", 0xFF32CD32 },
{ "Linen", 0xFFFAF0E6 },
{ "Magenta", 0xFFFF00FF },
{ "Maroon", 0xFF800000 },
{ "Maroon", 0xFFB03060 },
{ "MediumAquaMarine", 0xFF66CDAA },
{ "MediumBlue", 0xFF0000CD },
{ "MediumOrchid", 0xFFBA55D3 },
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ static const ColorEntry color_table[] = {
{ "Pink", 0xFFFFC0CB },
{ "Plum", 0xFFDDA0DD },
{ "PowderBlue", 0xFFB0E0E6 },
{ "Purple", 0xFF800080 },
{ "Purple", 0xFFA020F0 },
{ "Red", 0xFFFF0000 },
{ "RosyBrown", 0xFFBC8F8F },
{ "RoyalBlue", 0xFF4169E1 },
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