Commit d91197c6 authored by Gyan Doshi's avatar Gyan Doshi

doc: vapoursynth

Add entry in external library list and demuxers.
parent 6b1c4ce8
......@@ -732,4 +732,20 @@ Example: convert the captions to a format most players understand:
ffmpeg -i
@end example
@section vapoursynth
Vapoursynth wrapper.
Due to security concerns, Vapoursynth scripts will not
be autodetected so the input format has to be forced. For ff* CLI tools,
add @code{-f vapoursynth} before the input @code{-i yourscript.vpy}.
This demuxer accepts the following option:
@table @option
@item max_script_size
The demuxer buffers the entire script into memory. Adjust this value to set the maximum buffer size,
which in turn, acts as a ceiling for the size of scripts that can be read.
Default is 1 MiB.
@end table
@c man end DEMUXERS
......@@ -242,6 +242,17 @@ Go to @url{} and follow the
instructions for installing the library.
Then pass @code{--enable-libtwolame} to configure to enable it.
@section VapourSynth
FFmpeg can read VapourSynth scripts as input. To enable support, pass
@code{--enable-vapoursynth} to configure. Vapoursynth is detected via
@code{pkg-config}. Versions 42 or greater supported.
See @url{}.
Due to security concerns, Vapoursynth scripts will not
be autodetected so the input format has to be forced. For ff* CLI tools,
add @code{-f vapoursynth} before the input @code{-i yourscript.vpy}.
@section WavPack
FFmpeg can make use of the libwavpack library for WavPack encoding.
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