Commit d08e3e91 authored by Ramiro Polla's avatar Ramiro Polla

Prevent users from setting -vol and -acodec copy together.

They are incompatible since the frames are not decoded, so they can't be preprocessed.

Originally committed as revision 14178 to svn://
parent f1b2f1bf
......@@ -1686,6 +1686,10 @@ static int av_encode(AVFormatContext **output_files,
codec->time_base = ist->st->time_base;
switch(codec->codec_type) {
if(audio_volume != 256) {
fprintf(stderr,"-acodec copy and -vol are incompatible (frames are not decoded)\n");
codec->sample_rate = icodec->sample_rate;
codec->channels = icodec->channels;
codec->frame_size = icodec->frame_size;
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