Commit cc1e807f authored by Måns Rullgård's avatar Måns Rullgård

snow: remove unused stub functions

w53_32_c() and w97_32_c() are defined as stubs when snow encoder is
disabled.  In this case, those functions are not referenced at all
and do thus not need to be defined.

Originally committed as revision 22448 to svn://
parent 8a3ceaf4
......@@ -128,9 +128,6 @@ void ff_snow_inner_add_yblock(const uint8_t *obmc, const int obmc_stride, uint8_
int w53_32_c(void *v, uint8_t * pix1, uint8_t * pix2, int line_size, int h);
int w97_32_c(void *v, uint8_t * pix1, uint8_t * pix2, int line_size, int h);
static int w53_32_c(void *v, uint8_t * pix1, uint8_t * pix2, int line_size, int h) {assert (0); return 0;}
static int w97_32_c(void *v, uint8_t * pix1, uint8_t * pix2, int line_size, int h) {assert (0); return 0;}
void ff_spatial_dwt(int *buffer, int width, int height, int stride, int type, int decomposition_count);
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