Commit c81ab015 authored by Kostya Shishkov's avatar Kostya Shishkov

Correctly ME border blocks

Originally committed as revision 8322 to svn://
parent 284ad8a4
......@@ -80,17 +80,19 @@ static inline int block_cmp(uint8_t *src, int stride, uint8_t *src2, int stride2
static int zmbv_me(ZmbvEncContext *c, uint8_t *src, int sstride, uint8_t *prev, int pstride,
int x, int y, int *mx, int *my)
int dx, dy, tx, ty, tv, bv;
int dx, dy, tx, ty, tv, bv, bw, bh;
*mx = *my = 0;
bv = block_cmp(src, sstride, prev, pstride, ZMBV_BLOCK, ZMBV_BLOCK);
bw = FFMIN(ZMBV_BLOCK, c->avctx->width - x);
bh = FFMIN(ZMBV_BLOCK, c->avctx->height - y);
bv = block_cmp(src, sstride, prev, pstride, bw, bh);
if(!bv) return 0;
for(ty = FFMAX(y - c->range, 0); ty < FFMIN(y + c->range, c->avctx->height - ZMBV_BLOCK); ty++){
for(tx = FFMAX(x - c->range, 0); tx < FFMIN(x + c->range, c->avctx->width - ZMBV_BLOCK); tx++){
for(ty = FFMAX(y - c->range, 0); ty < FFMIN(y + c->range, c->avctx->height - bh); ty++){
for(tx = FFMAX(x - c->range, 0); tx < FFMIN(x + c->range, c->avctx->width - bw); tx++){
if(tx == x && ty == y) continue; // we already tested this block
dx = tx - x;
dy = ty - y;
tv = block_cmp(src, sstride, prev + dx + dy*pstride, pstride, ZMBV_BLOCK, ZMBV_BLOCK);
tv = block_cmp(src, sstride, prev + dx + dy*pstride, pstride, bw, bh);
if(tv < bv){
bv = tv;
*mx = dx;
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