Commit c0673f2c authored by Ronald S. Bultje's avatar Ronald S. Bultje

Remove d_idx as a variable, and instead load it as a constant in the asm.

This has no measurable speed effect because the surrounding code doesn't
take advantage of this yet.

Originally committed as revision 25254 to svn://
parent 2c3135f6
......@@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ void ff_h264_idct_add8_sse2 (uint8_t **dest, const int *block_offset, DCTEL
static av_always_inline void h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(int16_t bS[2][4][4], uint8_t nnz[40],
int8_t ref[2][40], int16_t mv[2][40][2],
int bidir, int edges, int step,
int mask_mv, int dir)
int mask_mv, int dir, const int d_idx)
const x86_reg d_idx = dir ? -8 : -1;
DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, const uint64_t, mask_dir) = dir ? 0 : 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
int b_idx, edge;
for( b_idx=12, edge=0; edge<edges; edge+=step, b_idx+=8*step ) {
......@@ -79,23 +78,23 @@ static av_always_inline void h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(int16_t bS
if(!(mask_mv & edge)) {
if(bidir) {
__asm__ volatile(
"movd (%1,%0), %%mm2 \n"
"punpckldq 40(%1,%0), %%mm2 \n" // { ref0[bn], ref1[bn] }
"pshufw $0x44, (%1), %%mm0 \n" // { ref0[b], ref0[b] }
"pshufw $0x44, 40(%1), %%mm1 \n" // { ref1[b], ref1[b] }
"movd %a2(%0), %%mm2 \n"
"punpckldq %a3(%0), %%mm2 \n" // { ref0[bn], ref1[bn] }
"pshufw $0x44, (%0), %%mm0 \n" // { ref0[b], ref0[b] }
"pshufw $0x44, 40(%0), %%mm1 \n" // { ref1[b], ref1[b] }
"pshufw $0x4E, %%mm2, %%mm3 \n"
"psubb %%mm2, %%mm0 \n" // { ref0[b]!=ref0[bn], ref0[b]!=ref1[bn] }
"psubb %%mm3, %%mm1 \n" // { ref1[b]!=ref1[bn], ref1[b]!=ref0[bn] }
"por %%mm1, %%mm0 \n"
"movq (%2,%0,4), %%mm1 \n"
"movq 8(%2,%0,4), %%mm2 \n"
"movq %a4(%1), %%mm1 \n"
"movq %a5(%1), %%mm2 \n"
"movq %%mm1, %%mm3 \n"
"movq %%mm2, %%mm4 \n"
"psubw (%2), %%mm1 \n"
"psubw 8(%2), %%mm2 \n"
"psubw 160(%2), %%mm3 \n"
"psubw 168(%2), %%mm4 \n"
"psubw (%1), %%mm1 \n"
"psubw 8(%1), %%mm2 \n"
"psubw 160(%1), %%mm3 \n"
"psubw 168(%1), %%mm4 \n"
"packsswb %%mm2, %%mm1 \n"
"packsswb %%mm4, %%mm3 \n"
"paddb %%mm6, %%mm1 \n"
......@@ -105,14 +104,14 @@ static av_always_inline void h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(int16_t bS
"packsswb %%mm3, %%mm1 \n"
"por %%mm1, %%mm0 \n"
"movq 160(%2,%0,4), %%mm1 \n"
"movq 168(%2,%0,4), %%mm2 \n"
"movq %a6(%1), %%mm1 \n"
"movq %a7(%1), %%mm2 \n"
"movq %%mm1, %%mm3 \n"
"movq %%mm2, %%mm4 \n"
"psubw (%2), %%mm1 \n"
"psubw 8(%2), %%mm2 \n"
"psubw 160(%2), %%mm3 \n"
"psubw 168(%2), %%mm4 \n"
"psubw (%1), %%mm1 \n"
"psubw 8(%1), %%mm2 \n"
"psubw 160(%1), %%mm3 \n"
"psubw 168(%1), %%mm4 \n"
"packsswb %%mm2, %%mm1 \n"
"packsswb %%mm4, %%mm3 \n"
"paddb %%mm6, %%mm1 \n"
......@@ -125,34 +124,41 @@ static av_always_inline void h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(int16_t bS
"por %%mm1, %%mm0 \n"
"pshufw $0x4E, %%mm0, %%mm1 \n"
"pminub %%mm1, %%mm0 \n"
} else {
__asm__ volatile(
"movd (%1), %%mm0 \n"
"psubb (%1,%0), %%mm0 \n" // ref[b] != ref[bn]
"psubb %a0(%1), %%mm0 \n" // ref[b] != ref[bn]
"movq (%2), %%mm1 \n"
"movq 8(%2), %%mm2 \n"
"psubw (%2,%0,4), %%mm1 \n"
"psubw 8(%2,%0,4), %%mm2 \n"
"psubw %a3(%2), %%mm1 \n"
"psubw %a4(%2), %%mm2 \n"
"packsswb %%mm2, %%mm1 \n"
"paddb %%mm6, %%mm1 \n"
"psubusb %%mm5, %%mm1 \n" // abs(mv[b] - mv[bn]) >= limit
"packsswb %%mm1, %%mm1 \n"
"por %%mm1, %%mm0 \n"
__asm__ volatile(
"movd %0, %%mm1 \n"
"por %1, %%mm1 \n" // nnz[b] || nnz[bn]
"movd (%0), %%mm1 \n"
"por %a1(%0), %%mm1 \n" // nnz[b] || nnz[bn]
__asm__ volatile(
"pminub %%mm7, %%mm1 \n"
......@@ -187,8 +193,8 @@ static void h264_loop_filter_strength_mmx2( int16_t bS[2][4][4], uint8_t nnz[40]
// could do a special case for dir==0 && edges==1, but it only reduces the
// average filter time by 1.2%
h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(bS, nnz, ref, mv, bidir, edges, step, mask_mv1, 1);
h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(bS, nnz, ref, mv, bidir, 4, 1, mask_mv0, 0);
h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(bS, nnz, ref, mv, bidir, edges, step, mask_mv1, 1, -8);
h264_loop_filter_strength_iteration_mmx2(bS, nnz, ref, mv, bidir, 4, 1, mask_mv0, 0, -1);
__asm__ volatile(
"movq (%0), %%mm0 \n\t"
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