Commit b9a7186b authored by Jason Garrett-Glaser's avatar Jason Garrett-Glaser

VP8: Don't store segment in macroblock struct anymore.

Not necessary with the previous patch.

Originally committed as revision 24427 to svn://
parent c55e0d34
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ typedef struct {
} VP8FilterStrength;
typedef struct {
uint8_t segment;
uint8_t skip;
// todo: make it possible to check for at least (i4x4 or split_mv)
// in one op. are others needed?
......@@ -120,6 +119,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t intra4x4_pred_mode_mb[16];
int chroma_pred_mode; ///< 8x8c pred mode of the current macroblock
int segment; ///< segment of the current macroblock
int mbskip_enabled;
int sign_bias[4]; ///< one state [0, 1] per ref frame type
......@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ static void decode_mb_mode(VP8Context *s, VP8Macroblock *mb, int mb_x, int mb_y,
if (s->segmentation.update_map)
*segment = vp8_rac_get_tree(c, vp8_segmentid_tree, s->prob->segmentid);
mb->segment = *segment;
s->segment = *segment;
mb->skip = s->mbskip_enabled ? vp56_rac_get_prob(c, s->prob->mbskip) : 0;
......@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ static void decode_mb_coeffs(VP8Context *s, VP56RangeCoder *c, VP8Macroblock *mb
int i, x, y, luma_start = 0, luma_ctx = 3;
int nnz_pred, nnz, nnz_total = 0;
int segment = s->segmentation.enabled ? mb->segment : 0;
int segment = s->segment;
s->dsp.clear_blocks((DCTELEM *)s->block);
......@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ static void filter_level_for_mb(VP8Context *s, VP8Macroblock *mb, VP8FilterStren
int interior_limit, filter_level;
if (s->segmentation.enabled) {
filter_level = s->segmentation.filter_level[mb->segment];
filter_level = s->segmentation.filter_level[s->segment];
if (!s->segmentation.absolute_vals)
filter_level += s->filter.level;
} else
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