Commit b476e772 authored by Clément Bœsch's avatar Clément Bœsch Committed by Clément Bœsch

build: fix objcc header check

$headers is a variable set in the context of other functions (we don't
use the "local" keyword in our scripts, so those variables are global).

Currently, when checking for AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h, the actual
enabled header is math.h.

Similarly, when testing for QuartzCore/CoreImage.h, the actual enabled
header is CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h.

This is completely broken and may be the reason why these checks are
made in random places.
parent f61379cb
......@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ check_header_objcc(){
echo "#include <$header>"
echo "int main(void) { return 0; }"
} | check_objcc && check_stat "$TMPO" && enable_safe $headers
} | check_objcc && check_stat "$TMPO" && enable_safe $header
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