Commit b39a2d19 authored by Ronald S. Bultje's avatar Ronald S. Bultje

Add a macro to pack 4 bytes into native byte-order so they can be written

at once using a single 32-bit store.

Originally committed as revision 23715 to svn://
parent caaf098c
......@@ -146,5 +146,13 @@ if ((y) < (x)) {\
# define NEG_USR32(a,s) (((uint32_t)(a))>>(32-(s)))
#ifndef PACK4x8
# define PACK4x8(a,b,c,d) (((a) << 24) | ((b) << 16) | ((c) << 8) | (d))
# else
# define PACK4x8(a,b,c,d) (((d) << 24) | ((c) << 16) | ((b) << 8) | (a))
# endif
#endif /* AVCODEC_MATHOPS_H */
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