Commit b01be121 authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

pp docs

Originally committed as revision 8077 to svn://
parent fcd43156
......@@ -483,11 +483,11 @@ static inline void postProcess(uint8_t src[], int srcStride, uint8_t dst[], int
/* -pp Command line Help
char *pp_help=
"long form example:\n"
"vdeblock:autoq,hdeblock:autoq,linblenddeint default,-vdeblock\n"
"vdeblock:autoq/hdeblock:autoq/linblenddeint default,-vdeblock\n"
"short form example:\n"
"vb:a,hb:a,lb de,-vb\n"
"vb:a/hb:a/lb de,-vb\n"
"more examples:\n"
"Filters Options\n"
......@@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ char *pp_help=
" c chrom chrominance filtring enabled\n"
" y nochrom chrominance filtring disabled\n"
"hb hdeblock (2 Threshold) horizontal deblocking filter\n"
" 1. Threshold: default=1, higher -> more deblocking\n"
" 2. Threshold: default=40, lower -> more deblocking\n"
" 1. difference factor: default=64, higher -> more deblocking\n"
" 2. flatness threshold: default=40, lower -> more deblocking\n"
" the h & v deblocking filters share these\n"
" so u cant set different thresholds for h / v\n"
"vb vdeblock (2 Threshold) vertical deblocking filter\n"
......@@ -537,7 +537,6 @@ pp_mode_t *pp_get_mode_by_name_and_quality(char *name, int quality)
ppMode->maxAllowedY= 234;
ppMode->minAllowedY= 16;
ppMode->baseDcDiff= 256/4;
ppMode->flatnessThreshold= 56-16;
ppMode->maxClippedThreshold= 0.01;
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