Commit ad263847 authored by Jai Luthra's avatar Jai Luthra Committed by Paul B Mahol

mlpenc: clean up

Signed-off-by: 's avatarJai Luthra <>
parent bc0ed176
......@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ typedef struct BestOffset {
int16_t max;
} BestOffset;
#define HUFF_OFFSET_MIN -16384
#define HUFF_OFFSET_MAX 16383
#define HUFF_OFFSET_MIN (-16384)
#define HUFF_OFFSET_MAX ( 16383)
/** Number of possible codebooks (counting "no codebooks") */
......@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ static void write_major_sync(MLPEncodeContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
static void write_restart_header(MLPEncodeContext *ctx, PutBitContext *pb)
RestartHeader *rh = ctx->cur_restart_header;
int32_t lossless_check = xor_32_to_8(rh->lossless_check_data);
uint8_t lossless_check = xor_32_to_8(rh->lossless_check_data);
unsigned int start_count = put_bits_count(pb);
PutBitContext tmpb;
uint8_t checksum;
......@@ -1017,12 +1017,10 @@ static void write_block_data(MLPEncodeContext *ctx, PutBitContext *pb)
codebook_index [ch] = cp->codebook - 1;
sign_huff_offset[ch] = cp->huff_offset;
sign_shift = lsb_bits[ch] - 1;
sign_shift = lsb_bits[ch] + (cp->codebook ? 2 - cp->codebook : -1);
if (cp->codebook > 0) {
if (cp->codebook > 0)
sign_huff_offset[ch] -= 7 << lsb_bits[ch];
sign_shift += 3 - cp->codebook;
/* Unsign if needed. */
if (sign_shift >= 0)
......@@ -1032,7 +1030,6 @@ static void write_block_data(MLPEncodeContext *ctx, PutBitContext *pb)
for (i = 0; i < dp->blocksize; i++) {
for (ch = rh->min_channel; ch <= rh->max_channel; ch++) {
int32_t sample = *sample_buffer++ >> dp->quant_step_size[ch];
sample -= sign_huff_offset[ch];
if (codebook_index[ch] >= 0) {
......@@ -1252,7 +1249,7 @@ static void input_data_internal(MLPEncodeContext *ctx, const uint8_t *samples,
uint32_t abs_sample;
int32_t sample;
sample = is24 ? *samples_32++ >> 8 : *samples_16++ << 8;
sample = is24 ? *samples_32++ >> 8 : *samples_16++ * 256U;
/* TODO Find out if number_sbits can be used for negative values. */
abs_sample = FFABS(sample);
......@@ -1795,7 +1792,7 @@ static void determine_bits(MLPEncodeContext *ctx)
#define SAMPLE_MAX(bitdepth) ((1 << (bitdepth - 1)) - 1)
#define SAMPLE_MIN(bitdepth) (~SAMPLE_MAX(bitdepth))
#define MSB_MASK(bits) (-1u << bits)
#define MSB_MASK(bits) (-(1u << (bits)))
/** Applies the filter to the current samples, and saves the residual back
* into the samples buffer. If the filter is too bad and overflows the
......@@ -1899,8 +1896,8 @@ static void generate_2_noise_channels(MLPEncodeContext *ctx)
for (i = 0; i < ctx->number_of_samples; i++) {
uint16_t seed_shr7 = seed >> 7;
*sample_buffer++ = ((int8_t)(seed >> 15)) << rh->noise_shift;
*sample_buffer++ = ((int8_t) seed_shr7) << rh->noise_shift;
*sample_buffer++ = ((int8_t)(seed >> 15)) * (1 << rh->noise_shift);
*sample_buffer++ = ((int8_t) seed_shr7) * (1 << rh->noise_shift);
seed = (seed << 16) ^ seed_shr7 ^ (seed_shr7 << 5);
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