Commit 9d4da474 authored by Luca Barbato's avatar Luca Barbato

lls: move to the private namespace

The functions are private.
parent 7ac6d242
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ int ff_lpc_calc_coefs(LPCContext *s,
double var[MAX_LPC_ORDER+1], av_uninit(weight);
for(pass=0; pass<lpc_passes; pass++){
av_init_lls(&m[pass&1], max_order);
avpriv_init_lls(&m[pass&1], max_order);
for(i=max_order; i<blocksize; i++){
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ int ff_lpc_calc_coefs(LPCContext *s,
double eval, inv, rinv;
eval= av_evaluate_lls(&m[(pass-1)&1], var+1, max_order-1);
eval= avpriv_evaluate_lls(&m[(pass-1)&1], var+1, max_order-1);
eval= (512>>pass) + fabs(eval - var[0]);
inv = 1/eval;
rinv = sqrt(inv);
......@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ int ff_lpc_calc_coefs(LPCContext *s,
av_update_lls(&m[pass&1], var, 1.0);
avpriv_update_lls(&m[pass&1], var, 1.0);
av_solve_lls(&m[pass&1], 0.001, 0);
avpriv_solve_lls(&m[pass&1], 0.001, 0);
for(i=0; i<max_order; i++){
......@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
#include "lls.h"
void av_init_lls(LLSModel *m, int indep_count)
void avpriv_init_lls(LLSModel *m, int indep_count)
memset(m, 0, sizeof(LLSModel));
m->indep_count = indep_count;
void av_update_lls(LLSModel *m, double *var, double decay)
void avpriv_update_lls(LLSModel *m, double *var, double decay)
int i, j;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void av_update_lls(LLSModel *m, double *var, double decay)
void av_solve_lls(LLSModel *m, double threshold, int min_order)
void avpriv_solve_lls(LLSModel *m, double threshold, int min_order)
int i, j, k;
double (*factor)[MAX_VARS + 1] = (void *) &m->covariance[1][0];
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void av_solve_lls(LLSModel *m, double threshold, int min_order)
double av_evaluate_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, int order)
double avpriv_evaluate_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, int order)
int i;
double out = 0;
......@@ -116,6 +116,25 @@ double av_evaluate_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, int order)
return out;
void av_init_lls(LLSModel *m, int indep_count)
return avpriv_init_lls(m, indep_count);
void av_update_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, double decay)
return avpriv_update_lls(m, param, decay);
void av_solve_lls(LLSModel *m, double threshold, int min_order)
return avpriv_solve_lls(m, threshold, min_order);
double av_evaluate_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, int order)
return avpriv_evaluate_lls(m, param, order);
#ifdef TEST
#include <stdio.h>
......@@ -129,7 +148,7 @@ int main(void)
AVLFG lfg;
av_lfg_init(&lfg, 1);
av_init_lls(&m, 3);
avpriv_init_lls(&m, 3);
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
double var[4];
......@@ -139,10 +158,10 @@ int main(void)
var[1] = var[0] + av_lfg_get(&lfg) / (double) UINT_MAX - 0.5;
var[2] = var[1] + av_lfg_get(&lfg) / (double) UINT_MAX - 0.5;
var[3] = var[2] + av_lfg_get(&lfg) / (double) UINT_MAX - 0.5;
av_update_lls(&m, var, 0.99);
av_solve_lls(&m, 0.001, 0);
avpriv_update_lls(&m, var, 0.99);
avpriv_solve_lls(&m, 0.001, 0);
for (order = 0; order < 3; order++) {
eval = av_evaluate_lls(&m, var + 1, order);
eval = avpriv_evaluate_lls(&m, var + 1, order);
printf("real:%9f order:%d pred:%9f var:%f coeffs:%f %9f %9f\n",
var[0], order, eval, sqrt(m.variance[order] / (i + 1)),
m.coeff[order][0], m.coeff[order][1],
......@@ -37,9 +37,15 @@ typedef struct LLSModel {
int indep_count;
} LLSModel;
void avpriv_init_lls(LLSModel *m, int indep_count);
void avpriv_update_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, double decay);
void avpriv_solve_lls(LLSModel *m, double threshold, int min_order);
double avpriv_evaluate_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, int order);
void av_init_lls(LLSModel *m, int indep_count);
void av_update_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, double decay);
void av_solve_lls(LLSModel *m, double threshold, int min_order);
double av_evaluate_lls(LLSModel *m, double *param, int order);
#endif /* AVUTIL_LLS_H */
......@@ -79,6 +79,10 @@
* @}
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