Commit 8fbb0979 authored by Ingo Brückl's avatar Ingo Brückl Committed by Derek Buitenhuis

build: remove pointless condition

$(STRIP) always expands to something, because it is one of the commands
in the BRIEF list. This renders the condition pointless.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarIngo Brückl <>
Signed-off-by: 's avatarDerek Buitenhuis <>
parent 58d13cea
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $(SUBDIR)%-test.i: $(SUBDIR)%.c
$(SUBDIR)x86/%.o: $(SUBDIR)x86/%.asm
$(DEPYASM) $(YASMFLAGS) -I $(<D)/ -M -o $@ $< > $(@:.o=.d)
$(YASM) $(YASMFLAGS) -I $(<D)/ -o $@ $<
-@ $(if $(STRIP), $(STRIP) -wN '..@*' $@)
-$(STRIP) -wN '..@*' $@
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