Commit 883fe4d5 authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

Chapter demuxing support. (untested as I have no nuts with chapters)

Isn't that much simpler than Matroska?

Originally committed as revision 13263 to svn://
parent 5c37f43a
......@@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ static int decode_info_header(NUTContext *nut){
int64_t value, end;
char name[256], str_value[1024], type_str[256];
const char *type;
AVChapter *chapter= NULL;
end= get_packetheader(nut, bc, 1, INFO_STARTCODE);
end += url_ftell(bc);
......@@ -402,6 +403,13 @@ static int decode_info_header(NUTContext *nut){
chapter_start= ff_get_v(bc);
chapter_len = ff_get_v(bc);
count = ff_get_v(bc);
if(chapter_id && !stream_id_plus1){
int64_t start= chapter_start / nut->time_base_count;
chapter= ff_new_chapter(s, chapter_id, start, start + chapter_len, NULL);
chapter->time_base= nut->time_base[chapter_start % nut->time_base_count];
for(i=0; i<count; i++){
get_str(bc, name, sizeof(name));
value= get_s(bc);
......@@ -442,6 +450,10 @@ static int decode_info_header(NUTContext *nut){
else if(!strcmp(name, "Disposition"))
set_disposition_bits(s, str_value, stream_id_plus1 - 1);
if(chapter && !strcmp(type, "UTF-8")){
if(!strcmp(name, "Title"))
chapter->title= av_strdup(str_value);
if(skip_reserved(bc, end) || get_checksum(bc)){
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