Commit 880add37 authored by Michael Niedermayer's avatar Michael Niedermayer

-vsync 2 (drop frames if there are too many but do not duplicate any)

Originally committed as revision 11934 to svn://
parent 3f8e1fc8
......@@ -733,6 +733,8 @@ static void do_video_out(AVFormatContext *s,
//FIXME set to 0.5 after we fix some dts/pts bugs like in avidec.c
if (vdelta < -1.1)
nb_frames = 0;
else if (video_sync_method == 2)
ost->sync_opts= lrintf(get_sync_ipts(ost) / av_q2d(enc->time_base));
else if (vdelta > 1.1)
nb_frames = lrintf(vdelta);
//fprintf(stderr, "vdelta:%f, ost->sync_opts:%"PRId64", ost->sync_ipts:%f nb_frames:%d\n", vdelta, ost->sync_opts, ost->sync_ipts, nb_frames);
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