Commit 86bec9a1 authored by Juanjo's avatar Juanjo

- Fix on AVI and WAV headers based on Nikolai Zhubr patch.

- Now the properties of the AVIs are correctly shown, but the MP2 audio
isn't playable, it seems the problems is that Fraunhoffer MP3 decoder
included on Windows cannot decode MP2 streams.

Originally committed as revision 316 to svn://
parent f5d1f41b
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ typedef struct AVIIndex {
} AVIIndex;
typedef struct {
offset_t movi_list;
offset_t movi_list, frames_hdr_all, frames_hdr_strm[MAX_STREAMS];
int audio_strm_length[MAX_STREAMS];
AVIIndex *first, *last;
} AVIContext;
......@@ -109,11 +110,36 @@ void put_bmp_header(ByteIOContext *pb, AVCodecContext *enc)
put_le32(pb, 0);
void parse_specific_params(AVCodecContext *stream, int *au_byterate, int *au_ssize, int *au_scale)
switch(stream->codec_id) {
*au_scale = *au_ssize = 2*stream->channels;
*au_byterate = *au_ssize * stream->sample_rate;
*au_scale = *au_ssize = stream->channels;
*au_byterate = *au_ssize * stream->sample_rate;
case CODEC_ID_MP2:
*au_ssize = 1;
*au_scale = 1;
*au_byterate = stream->bit_rate / 8;
*au_ssize = 1;
*au_scale = 1;
*au_byterate = stream->bit_rate / 8;
static int avi_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
AVIContext *avi;
ByteIOContext *pb = &s->pb;
int bitrate, n, i, nb_frames;
int bitrate, n, i, nb_frames, au_byterate, au_ssize, au_scale;
AVCodecContext *stream, *video_enc;
offset_t list1, list2, strh, strf;
......@@ -154,6 +180,7 @@ static int avi_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
put_le32(pb, bitrate / 8); /* XXX: not quite exact */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* padding */
avi->frames_hdr_all = url_ftell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
put_le32(pb, nb_frames); /* nb frames, filled later */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* initial frame */
put_le32(pb, s->nb_streams); /* nb streams */
......@@ -185,9 +212,10 @@ static int avi_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
put_le32(pb, 1000); /* scale */
put_le32(pb, (1000 * stream->frame_rate) / FRAME_RATE_BASE); /* rate */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* start */
avi->frames_hdr_strm[i] = url_ftell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
put_le32(pb, nb_frames); /* length, XXX: fill later */
put_le32(pb, 1024 * 1024); /* suggested buffer size */
put_le32(pb, 10000); /* quality */
put_le32(pb, -1); /* quality */
put_le32(pb, stream->width * stream->height * 3); /* sample size */
put_le16(pb, 0);
put_le16(pb, 0);
......@@ -196,18 +224,20 @@ static int avi_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
put_tag(pb, "auds");
put_le32(pb, 0);
put_le32(pb, 1); /* tag */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* flags */
put_le16(pb, 0); /* priority */
put_le16(pb, 0); /* language */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* initial frame */
put_le32(pb, 1); /* scale */
put_le32(pb, stream->bit_rate / 8); /* rate */
parse_specific_params(stream, &au_byterate, &au_ssize, &au_scale);
put_le32(pb, au_scale); /* scale */
put_le32(pb, au_byterate); /* rate */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* start */
avi->frames_hdr_strm[i] = url_ftell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
put_le32(pb, 0); /* length, XXX: filled later */
put_le32(pb, 12 * 1024); /* suggested buffer size */
put_le32(pb, -1); /* quality */
put_le32(pb, 1); /* sample size */
put_le32(pb, au_ssize); /* sample size */
put_le32(pb, 0);
put_le32(pb, 0);
......@@ -265,6 +295,8 @@ static int avi_write_packet(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,
tag[3] = 'b';
flags = 0x10;
if (enc->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
avi->audio_strm_length[stream_index] += size;
if (!url_is_streamed(&s->pb)) {
idx = malloc(sizeof(AVIIndex));
......@@ -295,6 +327,8 @@ static int avi_write_trailer(AVFormatContext *s)
ByteIOContext *pb = &s->pb;
AVIContext *avi = s->priv_data;
offset_t file_size, idx_chunk;
int n, nb_frames, au_byterate, au_ssize, au_scale;
AVCodecContext *stream;
AVIIndex *idx;
if (!url_is_streamed(&s->pb)) {
......@@ -315,6 +349,32 @@ static int avi_write_trailer(AVFormatContext *s)
file_size = url_ftell(pb);
url_fseek(pb, 4, SEEK_SET);
put_le32(pb, (UINT32)(file_size - 8));
/* Fill in frame/sample counters */
nb_frames = 0;
for(n=0;n<s->nb_streams;n++) {
if (avi->frames_hdr_strm[n] != 0) {
stream = &s->streams[n]->codec;
url_fseek(pb, avi->frames_hdr_strm[n], SEEK_SET);
if (stream->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) {
put_le32(pb, stream->frame_number);
if (nb_frames < stream->frame_number)
nb_frames = stream->frame_number;
} else {
if (stream->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MP2) {
put_le32(pb, stream->frame_number);
nb_frames += stream->frame_number;
} else {
parse_specific_params(stream, &au_byterate, &au_ssize, &au_scale);
put_le32(pb, avi->audio_strm_length[n] / au_ssize);
if (avi->frames_hdr_all != 0) {
url_fseek(pb, avi->frames_hdr_all, SEEK_SET);
put_le32(pb, nb_frames);
url_fseek(pb, file_size, SEEK_SET);
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ CodecTag codec_wav_tags[] = {
/* WAVEFORMATEX header */
int put_wav_header(ByteIOContext *pb, AVCodecContext *enc)
int tag, bps;
int tag, bps, blkalign, bytespersec;
tag = codec_get_tag(codec_wav_tags, enc->codec_id);
if (tag == 0)
......@@ -41,18 +41,39 @@ int put_wav_header(ByteIOContext *pb, AVCodecContext *enc)
put_le16(pb, tag);
put_le16(pb, enc->channels);
put_le32(pb, enc->sample_rate);
put_le32(pb, enc->bit_rate / 8);
put_le16(pb, 1); /* block align */
if (enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_U8 ||
enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW ||
enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW) {
bps = 8;
} else if (enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MP2) {
bps = 0;
} else {
bps = 16;
put_le16(pb, bps); /* bits per sample */
if (enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MP2)
blkalign = 1;
blkalign = enc->channels*bps >> 3;
if (enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_U8 ||
enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE) {
bytespersec = enc->sample_rate * blkalign;
} else {
bytespersec = enc->bit_rate / 8;
put_le32(pb, bytespersec); /* bytes per second */
put_le16(pb, blkalign); /* block align */
put_le16(pb, bps); /* bits per sample */
if (enc->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MP2) {
put_le16(pb, 12); /* wav_extra_size */
put_le16(pb, 1); /* wID */
put_le32(pb, 2); /* fdwFlags */
put_le16(pb, 1152); /* nBlockSize */
put_le16(pb, 1); /* nFramesPerBlock */
put_le16(pb, 1393); /* nCodecDelay */
} else
put_le16(pb, 0); /* wav_extra_size */
return 0;
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