Commit 83654c7b authored by Kamil Nowosad's avatar Kamil Nowosad Committed by Michael Niedermayer

Add Kamil Nowosads j2k code.

This needs work but it should not rot in soc svn.
parent 4c509fe3
......@@ -284,8 +284,7 @@ following image formats are supported:
@tab Digital Picture Exchange
@item JPEG @tab X @tab X
@tab Progressive JPEG is not supported.
@item JPEG 2000 @tab @tab E
@tab decoding supported through external library libopenjpeg
@item JPEG 2000 @tab X @tab X
@item JPEG-LS @tab X @tab X
@item LJPEG @tab X @tab
@tab Lossless JPEG
......@@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ OBJS-$(CONFIG_INDEO3_DECODER) += indeo3.o
OBJS-$(CONFIG_INDEO5_DECODER) += indeo5.o ivi_common.o ivi_dsp.o
OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEG2000_DECODER) += j2kdec.o mqcdec.o mqc.o j2k.o j2k_dwt.o
#OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEG2000_ENCODER) += j2kenc.o mqcenc.o mqc.o j2k.o dwt.o
OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEGLS_DECODER) += jpeglsdec.o jpegls.o \
mjpegdec.o mjpeg.o
OBJS-$(CONFIG_JPEGLS_ENCODER) += jpeglsenc.o jpegls.o
......@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ void avcodec_register_all(void)
REGISTER_DECODER (JPEG2000, jpeg2000);
This diff is collapsed.
* JPEG2000 tables
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef AVCODEC_J2K_H
#define AVCODEC_J2K_H
* JPEG2000 tables
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "mqc.h"
#include "j2k_dwt.h"
enum J2kMarkers{
J2K_SOC = 0xff4f, ///< start of codestream
J2K_SIZ = 0xff51, ///< image and tile size
J2K_COD, ///< coding style default
J2K_COC, ///< coding style component
J2K_TLM = 0xff55, ///< packed packet headers, tile-part header
J2K_PLM = 0xff57, ///< tile-part lengths
J2K_PLT, ///< packet length, main header
J2K_QCD = 0xff5c, ///< quantization default
J2K_QCC, ///< quantization component
J2K_RGN, ///< region of interest
J2K_POC, ///< progression order change
J2K_PPM, ///< packet length, tile-part header
J2K_PPT, ///< packed packet headers, main header
J2K_CRG = 0xff63, ///< component registration
J2K_COM, ///< comment
J2K_SOT = 0xff90, ///< start of tile-part
J2K_SOP, ///< start of packet
J2K_EPH, ///< end of packet header
J2K_SOD, ///< start of data
J2K_EOC = 0xffd9, ///< end of codestream
enum J2kQuantsty{ ///< quantization style
J2K_QSTY_NONE, ///< no quantization
J2K_QSTY_SI, ///< scalar derived
J2K_QSTY_SE ///< scalar expoounded
#define J2K_MAX_CBLKW 64
#define J2K_MAX_CBLKH 64
// T1 flags
// flags determining significance of neighbour coefficients
#define J2K_T1_SIG_N 0x0001
#define J2K_T1_SIG_E 0x0002
#define J2K_T1_SIG_W 0x0004
#define J2K_T1_SIG_S 0x0008
#define J2K_T1_SIG_NE 0x0010
#define J2K_T1_SIG_NW 0x0020
#define J2K_T1_SIG_SE 0x0040
#define J2K_T1_SIG_SW 0x0080
#define J2K_T1_SIG_NB (J2K_T1_SIG_N | J2K_T1_SIG_E | J2K_T1_SIG_S | J2K_T1_SIG_W \
// flags determining sign bit of neighbour coefficients
#define J2K_T1_SGN_N 0x0100
#define J2K_T1_SGN_S 0x0200
#define J2K_T1_SGN_W 0x0400
#define J2K_T1_SGN_E 0x0800
#define J2K_T1_VIS 0x1000
#define J2K_T1_SIG 0x2000
#define J2K_T1_REF 0x4000
#define J2K_T1_SGN 0x8000
// Codeblock coding styles
#define J2K_CBLK_BYPASS 0x01 // Selective arithmetic coding bypass
#define J2K_CBLK_RESET 0x02 // Reset context probabilities
#define J2K_CBLK_TERMALL 0x04 // Terminate after each coding pass
#define J2K_CBLK_VSC 0x08 // Vertical stripe causal context formation
#define J2K_CBLK_PREDTERM 0x10 // Predictable termination
#define J2K_CBLK_SEGSYM 0x20 // Segmentation symbols present
// Coding styles
#define J2K_CSTY_PREC 0x01 // Precincts defined in coding style
#define J2K_CSTY_SOP 0x02 // SOP marker present
#define J2K_CSTY_EPH 0x04 // EPH marker present
typedef struct {
int flags[J2K_MAX_CBLKW+2][J2K_MAX_CBLKH+2];
MqcState mqc;
} J2kT1Context;
typedef struct J2kTgtNode {
uint8_t val;
uint8_t vis;
struct J2kTgtNode *parent;
} J2kTgtNode;
typedef struct {
uint8_t nreslevels; ///< number of resolution levels
uint8_t log2_cblk_width,
log2_cblk_height; ///< exponent of codeblock size
uint8_t transform; ///< DWT type
uint8_t csty; ///< coding style
uint8_t log2_prec_width,
log2_prec_height; ///< precinct size
uint8_t nlayers; ///< number of layers
uint8_t mct; ///< multiple component transformation
uint8_t cblk_style; ///< codeblock coding style
} J2kCodingStyle;
typedef struct {
uint8_t expn[32 * 3]; ///< quantization exponent
uint16_t mant[32 * 3]; ///< quantization mantissa
uint8_t quantsty; ///< quantization style
uint8_t nguardbits; ///< number of guard bits
} J2kQuantStyle;
typedef struct {
uint16_t rate;
int64_t disto;
} J2kPass;
typedef struct {
uint8_t npasses;
uint8_t ninclpasses; ///< number coding of passes included in codestream
uint8_t nonzerobits;
uint16_t length;
uint16_t lengthinc;
uint8_t lblock;
uint8_t zero;
uint8_t data[8192];
J2kPass passes[100];
} J2kCblk; ///< code block
typedef struct {
uint16_t xi0, xi1, yi0, yi1; ///< codeblock indexes ([xi0, xi1))
J2kTgtNode *zerobits;
J2kTgtNode *cblkincl;
} J2kPrec; ///< precinct
typedef struct {
uint16_t coord[2][2]; ///< border coordinates {{x0, x1}, {y0, y1}}
uint16_t codeblock_width, codeblock_height;
uint16_t cblknx, cblkny;
uint32_t stepsize; ///< quantization stepsize (* 2^13)
J2kPrec *prec;
J2kCblk *cblk;
} J2kBand; ///< subband
typedef struct {
uint8_t nbands;
uint16_t coord[2][2]; ///< border coordinates {{x0, x1}, {y0, y1}}
uint16_t num_precincts_x, num_precincts_y; ///< number of precincts in x/y direction
uint8_t log2_prec_width, log2_prec_height; ///< exponent of precinct size
J2kBand *band;
} J2kResLevel; ///< resolution level
typedef struct {
J2kResLevel *reslevel;
DWTContext dwt;
int *data;
uint16_t coord[2][2]; ///< border coordinates {{x0, x1}, {y0, y1}}
} J2kComponent;
/* debug routines */
#if 0
#undef fprintf
#undef printf
void ff_j2k_printv(int *tab, int l);
void ff_j2k_printu(uint8_t *tab, int l);
/* misc tools */
static inline int ff_j2k_ceildivpow2(int a, int b)
return (a + (1 << b) - 1)>> b;
static inline int ff_j2k_ceildiv(int a, int b)
return (a + b - 1) / b;
/* tag tree routines */
J2kTgtNode *ff_j2k_tag_tree_init(int w, int h);
/* TIER-1 routines */
void ff_j2k_init_tier1_luts(void);
void ff_j2k_set_significant(J2kT1Context *t1, int x, int y, int negative);
extern uint8_t ff_j2k_nbctxno_lut[256][4];
static inline int ff_j2k_getnbctxno(int flag, int bandno)
return ff_j2k_nbctxno_lut[flag&255][bandno];
static inline int ff_j2k_getrefctxno(int flag)
static const uint8_t refctxno_lut[2][2] = {{14, 15}, {16, 16}};
return refctxno_lut[(flag>>14)&1][(flag & 255) != 0];
extern uint8_t ff_j2k_sgnctxno_lut[16][16], ff_j2k_xorbit_lut[16][16];
static inline int ff_j2k_getsgnctxno(int flag, int *xorbit)
*xorbit = ff_j2k_xorbit_lut[flag&15][(flag>>8)&15];
return ff_j2k_sgnctxno_lut[flag&15][(flag>>8)&15];
int ff_j2k_init_component(J2kComponent *comp, J2kCodingStyle *codsty, J2kQuantStyle *qntsty, int cbps, int dx, int dy);
void ff_j2k_reinit(J2kComponent *comp, J2kCodingStyle *codsty);
void ff_j2k_cleanup(J2kComponent *comp, J2kCodingStyle *codsty);
#endif /* AVCODEC_J2K_H */
* Discrete wavelet transform
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Discrete wavelet transform
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "j2k_dwt.h"
const static float scale97[] = {1.625786, 1.230174};
static inline void extend53(int *p, int i0, int i1)
p[i0 - 1] = p[i0 + 1];
p[i1 ] = p[i1 - 2];
p[i0 - 2] = p[i0 + 2];
p[i1 + 1] = p[i1 - 3];
static inline void extend97(float *p, int i0, int i1)
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++){
p[i0 - i] = p[i0 + i];
p[i1 + i - 1] = p[i1 - i - 1];
static void sd_1d53(int *p, int i0, int i1)
int i;
if (i1 == i0 + 1)
extend53(p, i0, i1);
for (i = (i0+1)/2 - 1; i < (i1+1)/2; i++)
p[2*i+1] -= (p[2*i] + p[2*i+2]) >> 1;
for (i = (i0+1)/2; i < (i1+1)/2; i++)
p[2*i] += (p[2*i-1] + p[2*i+1] + 2) >> 2;
static void dwt_encode53(DWTContext *s, int *t)
int lev,
w = s->linelen[s->ndeclevels-1][0];
int *line = s->linebuf;
line += 3;
for (lev = s->ndeclevels-1; lev >= 0; lev--){
int lh = s->linelen[lev][0],
lv = s->linelen[lev][1],
mh = s->mod[lev][0],
mv = s->mod[lev][1],
int *l;
l = line + mh;
for (lp = 0; lp < lv; lp++){
int i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lh; i++)
l[i] = t[w*lp + i];
sd_1d53(line, mh, mh + lh);
// copy back and deinterleave
for (i = mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
t[w*lp + j] = l[i];
for (i = 1-mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
t[w*lp + j] = l[i];
l = line + mv;
for (lp = 0; lp < lh; lp++) {
int i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lv; i++)
l[i] = t[w*i + lp];
sd_1d53(line, mv, mv + lv);
// copy back and deinterleave
for (i = mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
t[w*j + lp] = l[i];
for (i = 1-mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
t[w*j + lp] = l[i];
static void sd_1d97(float *p, int i0, int i1)
int i;
if (i1 == i0 + 1)
extend97(p, i0, i1);
i0++; i1++;
for (i = i0/2 - 2; i < i1/2 + 1; i++)
p[2*i+1] -= 1.586134 * (p[2*i] + p[2*i+2]);
for (i = i0/2 - 1; i < i1/2 + 1; i++)
p[2*i] -= 0.052980 * (p[2*i-1] + p[2*i+1]);
for (i = i0/2 - 1; i < i1/2; i++)
p[2*i+1] += 0.882911 * (p[2*i] + p[2*i+2]);
for (i = i0/2; i < i1/2; i++)
p[2*i] += 0.443506 * (p[2*i-1] + p[2*i+1]);
static void dwt_encode97(DWTContext *s, int *t)
int lev,
w = s->linelen[s->ndeclevels-1][0];
float *line = s->linebuf;
line += 5;
for (lev = s->ndeclevels-1; lev >= 0; lev--){
int lh = s->linelen[lev][0],
lv = s->linelen[lev][1],
mh = s->mod[lev][0],
mv = s->mod[lev][1],
float *l;
l = line + mh;
for (lp = 0; lp < lv; lp++){
int i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lh; i++)
l[i] = t[w*lp + i];
sd_1d97(line, mh, mh + lh);
// copy back and deinterleave
for (i = mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
t[w*lp + j] = scale97[mh] * l[i] / 2;
for (i = 1-mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
t[w*lp + j] = scale97[mh] * l[i] / 2;
l = line + mv;
for (lp = 0; lp < lh; lp++) {
int i, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < lv; i++)
l[i] = t[w*i + lp];
sd_1d97(line, mv, mv + lv);
// copy back and deinterleave
for (i = mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
t[w*j + lp] = scale97[mv] * l[i] / 2;
for (i = 1-mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
t[w*j + lp] = scale97[mv] * l[i] / 2;
static void sr_1d53(int *p, int i0, int i1)
int i;
if (i1 == i0 + 1)
extend53(p, i0, i1);
for (i = i0/2; i < i1/2 + 1; i++)
p[2*i] -= (p[2*i-1] + p[2*i+1] + 2) >> 2;
for (i = i0/2; i < i1/2; i++)
p[2*i+1] += (p[2*i] + p[2*i+2]) >> 1;
static void dwt_decode53(DWTContext *s, int *t)
int lev,
w = s->linelen[s->ndeclevels-1][0];
int *line = s->linebuf;
line += 3;
for (lev = 0; lev < s->ndeclevels; lev++){
int lh = s->linelen[lev][0],
lv = s->linelen[lev][1],
mh = s->mod[lev][0],
mv = s->mod[lev][1],
int *l;
l = line + mh;
for (lp = 0; lp < lv; lp++){
int i, j = 0;
// copy with interleaving
for (i = mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = t[w*lp + j];
for (i = 1-mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = t[w*lp + j];
sr_1d53(line, mh, mh + lh);
for (i = 0; i < lh; i++)
t[w*lp + i] = l[i];
l = line + mv;
for (lp = 0; lp < lh; lp++){
int i, j = 0;
// copy with interleaving
for (i = mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = t[w*j + lp];
for (i = 1-mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = t[w*j + lp];
sr_1d53(line, mv, mv + lv);
for (i = 0; i < lv; i++)
t[w*i + lp] = l[i];
static void sr_1d97(float *p, int i0, int i1)
int i;
if (i1 == i0 + 1)
extend97(p, i0, i1);
for (i = i0/2 - 1; i < i1/2 + 2; i++)
p[2*i] -= 0.443506 * (p[2*i-1] + p[2*i+1]);
for (i = i0/2 - 1; i < i1/2 + 1; i++)
p[2*i+1] -= 0.882911 * (p[2*i] + p[2*i+2]);
for (i = i0/2; i < i1/2 + 1; i++)
p[2*i] += 0.052980 * (p[2*i-1] + p[2*i+1]);
for (i = i0/2; i < i1/2; i++)
p[2*i+1] += 1.586134 * (p[2*i] + p[2*i+2]);
static void dwt_decode97(DWTContext *s, int *t)
int lev,
w = s->linelen[s->ndeclevels-1][0];
float *line = s->linebuf;
line += 5;
for (lev = 0; lev < s->ndeclevels; lev++){
int lh = s->linelen[lev][0],
lv = s->linelen[lev][1],
mh = s->mod[lev][0],
mv = s->mod[lev][1],
float *l;
l = line + mh;
for (lp = 0; lp < lv; lp++){
int i, j = 0;
// copy with interleaving
for (i = mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = scale97[1-mh] * t[w*lp + j];
for (i = 1-mh; i < lh; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = scale97[1-mh] * t[w*lp + j];
sr_1d97(line, mh, mh + lh);
for (i = 0; i < lh; i++)
t[w*lp + i] = l[i];
l = line + mv;
for (lp = 0; lp < lh; lp++){
int i, j = 0;
// copy with interleaving
for (i = mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = scale97[1-mv] * t[w*j + lp];
for (i = 1-mv; i < lv; i+=2, j++)
l[i] = scale97[1-mv] * t[w*j + lp];
sr_1d97(line, mv, mv + lv);
for (i = 0; i < lv; i++)
t[w*i + lp] = l[i];
int ff_j2k_dwt_init(DWTContext *s, uint16_t border[2][2], int decomp_levels, int type)
int i, j, lev = decomp_levels, maxlen,
s->ndeclevels = decomp_levels;
s->type = type;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 2; j++)
b[i][j] = border[i][j];
maxlen = FFMAX(b[0][1] - b[0][0],
b[1][1] - b[1][0]);
while(--lev >= 0){
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++){
s->linelen[lev][i] = b[i][1] - b[i][0];
s->mod[lev][i] = b[i][0] & 1;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
b[i][j] = (b[i][j] + 1) >> 1;
if (type == FF_DWT97)
s->linebuf = av_malloc((maxlen + 12) * sizeof(float));
else if (type == FF_DWT53)
s->linebuf = av_malloc((maxlen + 6) * sizeof(int));
return -1;
if (!s->linebuf)
return 0;
int ff_j2k_dwt_encode(DWTContext *s, int *t)
case FF_DWT97:
dwt_encode97(s, t); break;
case FF_DWT53:
dwt_encode53(s, t); break;
return -1;
return 0;
int ff_j2k_dwt_decode(DWTContext *s, int *t)
case FF_DWT97:
dwt_decode97(s, t); break;
case FF_DWT53:
dwt_decode53(s, t); break;
return -1;
return 0;
void ff_j2k_dwt_destroy(DWTContext *s)
* Discrete wavelet transform
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Discrete wavelet transform
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "avcodec.h"
#define FF_DWT_MAX_DECLVLS 32 ///< max number of decomposition levels
enum DWTType{
typedef struct {
///line lengths {horizontal, vertical} in consecutive decomposition levels
uint16_t linelen[FF_DWT_MAX_DECLVLS][2];
uint8_t mod[FF_DWT_MAX_DECLVLS][2]; ///< coordinates (x0, y0) of decomp. levels mod 2
uint8_t ndeclevels; ///< number of decomposition levels
uint8_t type; ///< 0 for 9/7; 1 for 5/3
void *linebuf; ///< buffer used by transform (int or float)
} DWTContext;
* initialize DWT
* @param s DWT context
* @param border coordinates of transformed region {{x0, x1}, {y0, y1}}
* @param decomp_levels number of decomposition levels
* @param type 0 for DWT 9/7; 1 for DWT 5/3
int ff_j2k_dwt_init(DWTContext *s, uint16_t border[2][2], int decomp_levels, int type);
int ff_j2k_dwt_encode(DWTContext *s, int *t);
int ff_j2k_dwt_decode(DWTContext *s, int *t);
void ff_j2k_dwt_destroy(DWTContext *s);
#endif /* AVCODEC_DWT_H */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
* MQ-coder encoder and decoder common functions
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* MQ-coder ecoder and decoder common functions
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "mqc.h"
typedef struct {
uint16_t qe;
uint8_t nmps;
uint8_t nlps;
uint8_t sw;
} MqcCxState;
const static MqcCxState cx_states[47] = {
{0x5601, 1, 1, 1},
{0x3401, 2, 6, 0},
{0x1801, 3, 9, 0},
{0x0AC1, 4, 12, 0},
{0x0521, 5, 29, 0},
{0x0221, 38, 33, 0},
{0x5601, 7, 6, 1},
{0x5401, 8, 14, 0},
{0x4801, 9, 14, 0},
{0x3801, 10, 14, 0},
{0x3001, 11, 17, 0},
{0x2401, 12, 18, 0},
{0x1C01, 13, 20, 0},
{0x1601, 29, 21, 0},
{0x5601, 15, 14, 1},
{0x5401, 16, 14, 0},
{0x5101, 17, 15, 0},
{0x4801, 18, 16, 0},
{0x3801, 19, 17, 0},
{0x3401, 20, 18, 0},
{0x3001, 21, 19, 0},
{0x2801, 22, 19, 0},
{0x2401, 23, 20, 0},
{0x2201, 24, 21, 0},
{0x1C01, 25, 22, 0},
{0x1801, 26, 23, 0},
{0x1601, 27, 24, 0},
{0x1401, 28, 25, 0},
{0x1201, 29, 26, 0},
{0x1101, 30, 27, 0},
{0x0AC1, 31, 28, 0},
{0x09C1, 32, 29, 0},
{0x08A1, 33, 30, 0},
{0x0521, 34, 31, 0},
{0x0441, 35, 32, 0},
{0x02A1, 36, 33, 0},
{0x0221, 37, 34, 0},
{0x0141, 38, 35, 0},
{0x0111, 39, 36, 0},
{0x0085, 40, 37, 0},
{0x0049, 41, 38, 0},
{0x0025, 42, 39, 0},
{0x0015, 43, 40, 0},
{0x0009, 44, 41, 0},
{0x0005, 45, 42, 0},
{0x0001, 45, 43, 0},
{0x5601, 46, 46, 0}
uint16_t ff_mqc_qe [2*47];
uint8_t ff_mqc_nlps[2*47];
uint8_t ff_mqc_nmps[2*47];
void ff_mqc_init_contexts(MqcState *mqc)
int i;
memset(mqc->cx_states, 0, sizeof(mqc->cx_states));
mqc->cx_states[MQC_CX_UNI] = 2 * 46;
mqc->cx_states[MQC_CX_RL] = 2 * 3;
mqc->cx_states[0] = 2 * 4;
for (i = 0; i < 47; i++){
ff_mqc_qe[2*i ] =
ff_mqc_qe[2*i+1] = cx_states[i].qe;
ff_mqc_nlps[2*i ] = 2*cx_states[i].nlps + cx_states[i].sw;
ff_mqc_nlps[2*i+1] = 2*cx_states[i].nlps + 1 - cx_states[i].sw;
ff_mqc_nmps[2*i ] = 2*cx_states[i].nmps;
ff_mqc_nmps[2*i+1] = 2*cx_states[i].nmps + 1;
* MQ-coder
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* MQ-coder
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "avcodec.h"
#define MQC_CX_UNI 17
#define MQC_CX_RL 18
extern uint16_t ff_mqc_qe[2*47];
extern uint8_t ff_mqc_nlps[2*47];
extern uint8_t ff_mqc_nmps[2*47];
typedef struct {
uint8_t *bp, *bpstart;
unsigned int a;
unsigned int c;
unsigned int ct;
uint8_t cx_states[19];
} MqcState;
/* encoder */
/** initialize the encoder */
void ff_mqc_initenc(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *bp);
/** code bit d with context cx */
void ff_mqc_encode(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *cxstate, int d);
/** number of encoded bytes */
int ff_mqc_length(MqcState *mqc);
/** flush the encoder [returns number of bytes encoded] */
int ff_mqc_flush(MqcState *mqc);
/* decoder */
/** initialize the decoder */
void ff_mqc_initdec(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *bp);
/** returns decoded bit with context cx */
int ff_mqc_decode(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *cxstate);
/* common */
/** initialize the contexts */
void ff_mqc_init_contexts(MqcState *mqc);
#endif /* AVCODEC_MQC_H */
* MQ-coder decoder
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* MQ-coder decoder
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "mqc.h"
static void bytein(MqcState *mqc)
if (*mqc->bp == 0xff){
if (*(mqc->bp+1) > 0x8f)
mqc->c += 2 + 0xfe00 - (*mqc->bp << 9);
} else{
mqc->c += 1 + 0xff00 - (*mqc->bp << 8);
static int exchange(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *cxstate, int lps)
int d;
if ((mqc->a < ff_mqc_qe[*cxstate]) ^ (!lps)){
if (lps)
mqc->a = ff_mqc_qe[*cxstate];
d = *cxstate & 1;
*cxstate = ff_mqc_nmps[*cxstate];
} else{
if (lps)
mqc->a = ff_mqc_qe[*cxstate];
d = 1 - (*cxstate & 1);
*cxstate = ff_mqc_nlps[*cxstate];
// renormd:
if (!(mqc->c & 0xff)){
mqc->c -= 0x100;
mqc->a += mqc->a;
mqc->c += mqc->c;
} while (!(mqc->a & 0x8000));
return d;
void ff_mqc_initdec(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *bp)
mqc->bp = bp;
mqc->c = (*mqc->bp ^ 0xff) << 16;
mqc->c = mqc->c << 7;
mqc->a = 0x8000;
int ff_mqc_decode(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *cxstate)
mqc->a -= ff_mqc_qe[*cxstate];
if ((mqc->c >> 16) < mqc->a){
if (mqc->a & 0x8000)
return *cxstate & 1;
return exchange(mqc, cxstate, 0);
} else {
mqc->c -= mqc->a << 16;
return exchange(mqc, cxstate, 1);
* MQ-coder encoder
* Copyright (c) 2007 Kamil Nowosad
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* MQ-coder encoder
* @file
* @author Kamil Nowosad
#include "mqc.h"
static void byteout(MqcState *mqc)
if (*mqc->bp == 0xff){
*mqc->bp = mqc->c >> 20;
mqc->c &= 0xfffff;
mqc->ct = 7;
} else if ((mqc->c & 0x8000000)){
mqc->c &= 0x7ffffff;
goto retry;
} else{
*mqc->bp = mqc->c >> 19;
mqc->c &= 0x7ffff;
mqc->ct = 8;
static void renorme(MqcState *mqc)
mqc->a += mqc->a;
mqc->c += mqc->c;
if (!--mqc->ct)
} while (!(mqc->a & 0x8000));
static void setbits(MqcState *mqc)
int tmp = mqc->c + mqc->a;
mqc->c |= 0xffff;
if (mqc->c >= tmp)
mqc->c -= 0x8000;
void ff_mqc_initenc(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *bp)
mqc->a = 0x8000;
mqc->c = 0;
mqc->bp = bp-1;
mqc->bpstart = bp;
mqc->ct = 12 + (*mqc->bp == 0xff);
void ff_mqc_encode(MqcState *mqc, uint8_t *cxstate, int d)
int qe;
qe = ff_mqc_qe[*cxstate];
mqc->a -= qe;
if ((*cxstate & 1) == d){
if (!(mqc->a & 0x8000)){
if (mqc->a < qe)
mqc->a = qe;
mqc->c += qe;
*cxstate = ff_mqc_nmps[*cxstate];
} else
mqc->c += qe;
} else{
if (mqc->a < qe)
mqc->c += qe;
mqc->a = qe;
*cxstate = ff_mqc_nlps[*cxstate];
int ff_mqc_length(MqcState *mqc)
return mqc->bp - mqc->bpstart;
int ff_mqc_flush(MqcState *mqc)
mqc->c = mqc->c << mqc->ct;
mqc->c = mqc->c << mqc->ct;
if (*mqc->bp != 0xff)
return mqc->bp - mqc->bpstart;
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ static const IdStrMap img_tags[] = {
{ CODEC_ID_SUNRAST , "sunras"},
{ CODEC_ID_JPEG2000 , "j2k"},
{ CODEC_ID_JPEG2000 , "jp2"},
{ CODEC_ID_JPEG2000 , "jpc"},
{ CODEC_ID_DPX , "dpx"},
{ CODEC_ID_PICTOR , "pic"},
......@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ const AVCodecTag ff_codec_bmp_tags[] = {
{ CODEC_ID_ZMBV, MKTAG('Z', 'M', 'B', 'V') },
{ CODEC_ID_KMVC, MKTAG('K', 'M', 'V', 'C') },
{ CODEC_ID_CAVS, MKTAG('C', 'A', 'V', 'S') },
{ CODEC_ID_JPEG2000, MKTAG('m', 'j', 'p', '2') },
{ CODEC_ID_JPEG2000, MKTAG('M', 'J', '2', 'C') },
{ CODEC_ID_VMNC, MKTAG('V', 'M', 'n', 'c') },
{ CODEC_ID_TARGA, MKTAG('t', 'g', 'a', ' ') },
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