Commit 7e939205 authored by Howard Chu's avatar Howard Chu Committed by Carl Eugen Hoyos

Set audio bit rate.

Patch by Howard Chu, hyc highlandsun com

Originally committed as revision 22835 to svn://
parent f8fea468
......@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ static int amf_parse_object(AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *astream, AVStream *vst
if(!strcmp(key, "duration")) s->duration = num_val * AV_TIME_BASE;
else if(!strcmp(key, "videodatarate") && vcodec && 0 <= (int)(num_val * 1024.0))
vcodec->bit_rate = num_val * 1024.0;
else if(!strcmp(key, "audiodatarate") && acodec && 0 <= (int)(num_val * 1024.0))
acodec->bit_rate = num_val * 1024.0;
} else if (amf_type == AMF_DATA_TYPE_STRING)
av_metadata_set(&s->metadata, key, str_val);
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