Commit 73154fee authored by Nick Brereton's avatar Nick Brereton Committed by Michael Niedermayer

Fix ordering of XXCH downmix coefficients.

Reviewed-by: 's avatarBenjamin Larsson <>
Signed-off-by: 's avatarMichael Niedermayer <>
parent ac9389a6
......@@ -540,6 +540,18 @@ static inline void get_array(GetBitContext *gb, int *dst, int len, int bits)
*dst++ = get_bits(gb, bits);
static inline int dca_xxch2index(DCAContext *s, int xxch_ch)
int i, base, mask;
/* locate channel set containing the channel */
for (i = -1, base = 0, mask = (s->xxch_core_spkmask & ~DCA_XXCH_LFE1);
i <= s->xxch_chset && !(mask & xxch_ch); mask = s->xxch_spk_masks[++i])
base += av_popcount(mask);
return base + av_popcount(mask & (xxch_ch - 1));
static int dca_parse_audio_coding_header(DCAContext *s, int base_channel,
int xxch)
......@@ -595,8 +607,7 @@ static int dca_parse_audio_coding_header(DCAContext *s, int base_channel,
coeff = get_bits(&s->gb, 7);
sign = (coeff & 64) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
mag = dca_downmix_scale_factors[(coeff & 63) << 2];
ichan = av_popcount((acc_mask & ~DCA_XXCH_LFE1)
& ((1 << i) - 1));
ichan = dca_xxch2index(s, 1 << i);
s->xxch_dmix_coeff[j][ichan] = sign * mag * scale_factor;
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