Commit 6bce6aa1 authored by Vittorio Giovara's avatar Vittorio Giovara

spherical: Add tiled equirectangular type and projection-specific properties

Signed-off-by: 's avatarVittorio Giovara <>
parent 114324b9
......@@ -792,11 +792,23 @@ static void show_stream(InputFile *ifile, InputStream *ist)
spherical = (AVSphericalMapping *)sd->data;
if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_EQUIRECTANGULAR)
if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_EQUIRECTANGULAR) {
probe_str("projection", "equirectangular");
else if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_CUBEMAP)
} else if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_CUBEMAP) {
probe_str("projection", "cubemap");
probe_int("padding", spherical->padding);
} else if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_EQUIRECTANGULAR_TILE) {
size_t l, t, r, b;
av_spherical_tile_bounds(spherical, par->width, par->height,
&l, &t, &r, &b);
probe_str("projection", "tiled equirectangular");
probe_int("left", l);
probe_int("top", t);
probe_int("right", r);
probe_int("bottom", b);
} else
probe_str("projection", "unknown");
......@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ libavutil: 2015-08-28
API changes, most recent first:
2017-02-10 - xxxxxxx - lavu 55.33.0 - spherical.h
Add AV_SPHERICAL_EQUIRECTANGULAR_TILE, av_spherical_tile_bounds(),
and projection-specific properties (bound_left, bound_top, bound_right,
bound_bottom, padding) to AVSphericalMapping.
2017-xx-xx - xxxxxxx - lavc 57.34.0 - avcodec.h
Add AVCodecContext.hw_device_ctx.
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ static void dump_cpb(void *ctx, AVPacketSideData *sd)
static void dump_spherical(void *ctx, AVPacketSideData *sd)
static void dump_spherical(void *ctx, AVCodecParameters *par, AVPacketSideData *sd)
AVSphericalMapping *spherical = (AVSphericalMapping *)sd->data;
double yaw, pitch, roll;
......@@ -321,6 +321,8 @@ static void dump_spherical(void *ctx, AVPacketSideData *sd)
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "equirectangular ");
else if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_CUBEMAP)
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "cubemap ");
else if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_EQUIRECTANGULAR_TILE)
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "tiled equirectangular ");
else {
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "unknown");
......@@ -330,6 +332,15 @@ static void dump_spherical(void *ctx, AVPacketSideData *sd)
pitch = ((double)spherical->pitch) / (1 << 16);
roll = ((double)spherical->roll) / (1 << 16);
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "(%f/%f/%f) ", yaw, pitch, roll);
if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_EQUIRECTANGULAR_TILE) {
size_t l, t, r, b;
av_spherical_tile_bounds(spherical, par->width, par->height,
&l, &t, &r, &b);
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "[%zu, %zu, %zu, %zu] ", l, t, r, b);
} else if (spherical->projection == AV_SPHERICAL_CUBEMAP) {
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "[pad %zu] ", spherical->padding);
static void dump_sidedata(void *ctx, AVStream *st, const char *indent)
......@@ -382,7 +393,7 @@ static void dump_sidedata(void *ctx, AVStream *st, const char *indent)
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "spherical: ");
dump_spherical(ctx, &sd);
dump_spherical(ctx, st->codecpar, &sd);
av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
......@@ -32,3 +32,21 @@ AVSphericalMapping *av_spherical_alloc(size_t *size)
return spherical;
void av_spherical_tile_bounds(AVSphericalMapping *map,
size_t width, size_t height,
size_t *left, size_t *top,
size_t *right, size_t *bottom)
/* conversion from 0.32 coordinates to pixels */
uint64_t orig_width = (uint64_t) width * UINT32_MAX /
(UINT32_MAX - map->bound_right - map->bound_left);
uint64_t orig_height = (uint64_t) height * UINT32_MAX /
(UINT32_MAX - map->bound_bottom - map->bound_top);
/* add a (UINT32_MAX - 1) to round up integer division */
*left = (orig_width * map->bound_left + UINT32_MAX - 1) / UINT32_MAX;
*top = (orig_height * map->bound_top + UINT32_MAX - 1) / UINT32_MAX;
*right = orig_width - width - *left;
*bottom = orig_height - height - *top;
......@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ enum AVSphericalProjection {
* to the back.
* Video represents a portion of a sphere mapped on a flat surface
* using equirectangular projection. The @ref bounding fields indicate
* the position of the current video in a larger surface.
......@@ -122,6 +129,57 @@ typedef struct AVSphericalMapping {
* @}
* @name Bounding rectangle
* @anchor bounding
* @{
* These fields indicate the location of the current tile, and where
* it should be mapped relative to the original surface. They are
* exported as 0.32 fixed point, and can be converted to classic
* pixel values with av_spherical_bounds().
* @code{.unparsed}
* +----------------+----------+
* | |bound_top |
* | +--------+ |
* | bound_left |tile | |
* +<---------->| |<--->+bound_right
* | +--------+ |
* | | |
* | bound_bottom| |
* +----------------+----------+
* @endcode
* If needed, the original video surface dimensions can be derived
* by adding the current stream or frame size to the related bounds,
* like in the following example:
* @code{c}
* original_width = tile->width + bound_left + bound_right;
* original_height = tile->height + bound_top + bound_bottom;
* @endcode
* @note These values are valid only for the tiled equirectangular
* and should be ignored in all other cases.
size_t bound_left; ///< Distance from the left edge
size_t bound_top; ///< Distance from the top edge
size_t bound_right; ///< Distance from the right edge
size_t bound_bottom; ///< Distance from the bottom edge
* @}
* Number of pixels to pad from the edge of each cube face.
* @note This value is valid for only for the cubemap projection type
* (@ref AV_SPHERICAL_CUBEMAP), and should be ignored in all other
* cases.
size_t padding;
} AVSphericalMapping;
......@@ -132,6 +190,22 @@ typedef struct AVSphericalMapping {
AVSphericalMapping *av_spherical_alloc(size_t *size);
* Convert the @ref bounding fields from an AVSphericalVideo
* from 0.32 fixed point to pixels.
* @param map The AVSphericalVideo map to read bound values from.
* @param width Width of the current frame or stream.
* @param height Height of the current frame or stream.
* @param left Pixels from the left edge.
* @param top Pixels from the top edge.
* @param right Pixels from the right edge.
* @param bottom Pixels from the bottom edge.
void av_spherical_tile_bounds(AVSphericalMapping *map,
size_t width, size_t height,
size_t *left, size_t *top,
size_t *right, size_t *bottom);
* @}
* @}
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
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