avcodec/videotoolboxenc: fix encoding frame crash on iOS 11
On iOS 11, encoding a frame may return error with log "Error encoding frame 0", which means vtenc_output_callback is called with status=0 and sample_buffer=NULL. Then the encoding session will be crashed on next callback wether or not closing the codec context. Let us look through the link below introducing VTCompressionOutputCallback, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/videotoolbox/vtcompressionoutputcallback?language=objc "status=0" (noErr) means compression was successful. "sampleBuffer=NULL" means the frame was dropped when compression was successful (status=0) or compression was not successful (status!=0). So we should not set AVERROR_EXTERNAL on "status=0" and "sample_buffer=NULL" as it is not a error. The fix is that we only set AVERROR_EXTERNAL with status value non zero. When sample_buffer is NULL and status value is zero, we simply return with no other operation. This crash often occurs on iOS 11 for example encoding 720p@25fps. Signed-off-by:sharpbai <sharpbai@gmail.com> Signed-off-by:
Rick Kern <kernrj@gmail.com>
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