Commit 68a7aaff authored by Thierry Foucu's avatar Thierry Foucu Committed by Baptiste Coudurier

compute b_per_i_or_p value correctly, patch by Thierry Foucu, tfoucu at gmail dot com

Originally committed as revision 17166 to svn://
parent 70bf0416
......@@ -175,8 +175,11 @@ static int gxf_write_mpeg_auxiliary(ByteIOContext *pb, GXFStreamContext *ctx)
ctx->p_per_gop = ctx->pframes / ctx->iframes;
if (ctx->pframes % ctx->iframes)
if (ctx->pframes)
if (ctx->pframes) {
ctx->b_per_i_or_p = ctx->bframes / ctx->pframes;
if (ctx->bframes % ctx->pframes)
if (ctx->p_per_gop > 9)
ctx->p_per_gop = 9; /* ensure value won't take more than one char */
if (ctx->b_per_i_or_p > 9)
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