Commit 647b610c authored by Falk Hüffner's avatar Falk Hüffner

-freduce-all-givs has been removed from gcc

Originally committed as revision 4011 to svn://
parent f770ee03
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ALPHA),yes)
OBJS += alpha/dsputil_alpha.o alpha/mpegvideo_alpha.o \
alpha/simple_idct_alpha.o alpha/motion_est_alpha.o
ASM_OBJS += alpha/dsputil_alpha_asm.o alpha/motion_est_mvi_asm.o
CFLAGS += -fforce-addr -freduce-all-givs
CFLAGS += -fforce-addr
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