Commit 615c2879 authored by Sergiy's avatar Sergiy Committed by Kostya Shishkov

Do not send invokes to RTMP server if we are not connected to it.

Patch by Sergiy (server.connect("").selectAddress("piratfm"))

Originally committed as revision 20745 to svn://
parent b593f7fd
......@@ -706,9 +706,11 @@ static int rtmp_close(URLContext *h)
rt->flv_data = NULL;
if (rt->out_pkt.data_size)
gen_fcunpublish_stream(h, rt);
if (rt->state > STATE_FCPUBLISH)
gen_fcunpublish_stream(h, rt);
gen_delete_stream(h, rt);
if (rt->state > STATE_HANDSHAKED)
gen_delete_stream(h, rt);
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