Commit 5f47bfd5 authored by Philip Langdale's avatar Philip Langdale Committed by Timo Rothenpieler

configure: Add an explicit check and option for nvcc

The use of nvcc to compile cuda kernels is distinct from the use of
cuda sdk libraries and linking against those libraries. We have
previously not bothered to distinguish these two cases because all
the filters that used cuda kernels also used the sdk. In the following
changes, I'm going to remove the sdk dependency from those filters,
but we need a way to ensure that nvcc is present and functioning, and
also a way to explicitly disable its use so that the filters are not
Signed-off-by: 's avatarTimo Rothenpieler <>
parent b38dd2d2
......@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ External library support:
The following libraries provide various hardware acceleration features:
--disable-amf disable AMF video encoding code [autodetect]
--disable-audiotoolbox disable Apple AudioToolbox code [autodetect]
--enable-cuda-nvcc enable Nvidia CUDA compiler [no]
--enable-cuda-sdk enable CUDA features that require the CUDA SDK [no]
--disable-cuvid disable Nvidia CUVID support [autodetect]
--disable-d3d11va disable Microsoft Direct3D 11 video acceleration code [autodetect]
......@@ -1001,6 +1002,10 @@ hostcc_o(){
eval printf '%s\\n' $HOSTCC_O
eval printf '%s\\n' $NVCC_O
log test_cc "$@"
cat > $TMPC
......@@ -1022,6 +1027,22 @@ test_objcc(){
test_cmd $objcc -Werror=missing-prototypes $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $OBJCFLAGS "$@" $OBJCC_C $(cc_o $TMPO) $TMPM
log test_nvcc "$@"
cat > $TMPCU
log_file $TMPCU
test_cmd $nvcc -ptx $NVCCFLAGS "$@" $NVCC_C $(nvcc_o $TMPO) $TMPCU
check_nvcc() {
log check_nvcc "$@"
test_nvcc <<EOF
extern "C" {
__global__ void hello(unsigned char *data) {}
log test_cpp "$@"
cat > $TMPC
......@@ -1806,6 +1827,7 @@ EXTRALIBS_LIST="
......@@ -4238,6 +4260,7 @@ tmpfile TMPCPP .cpp
tmpfile TMPE $EXESUF
tmpfile TMPH .h
tmpfile TMPM .m
tmpfile TMPCU .cu
tmpfile TMPO .o
tmpfile TMPS .S
tmpfile TMPSH .sh
......@@ -6087,6 +6110,7 @@ for func in $COMPLEX_FUNCS; do
# these are off by default, so fail if requested and not available
enabled cuda_nvcc && { check_nvcc || die "ERROR: failed checking for nvcc."; }
enabled cuda_sdk && require cuda_sdk cuda.h cuCtxCreate -lcuda
enabled chromaprint && require chromaprint chromaprint.h chromaprint_get_version -lchromaprint
enabled decklink && { require_headers DeckLinkAPI.h &&
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