Commit 58d1d702 authored by Stefano Sabatini's avatar Stefano Sabatini

doc/Makefile: change DOCLIBS check

More consistent with the rest of the build system, and more compact.
parent 1c6962dc
ifeq ($(CONFIG_AVCODEC),yes)
DOCLIBS += libavcodec
MANPAGES = $(PROGS-yes:%=doc/%.1) $(DOCLIBS:%=doc/%.3)
PODPAGES = $(PROGS-yes:%=doc/%.pod) $(DOCLIBS:%=doc/%.pod)
HTMLPAGES = $(PROGS-yes:%=doc/%.html) $(DOCLIBS:%=doc/%.html) \
MANPAGES = $(PROGS-yes:%=doc/%.1) $(DOCLIBS-yes:%=doc/%.3)
PODPAGES = $(PROGS-yes:%=doc/%.pod) $(DOCLIBS-yes:%=doc/%.pod)
HTMLPAGES = $(PROGS-yes:%=doc/%.html) $(DOCLIBS-yes:%=doc/%.html) \
doc/developer.html \
doc/faq.html \
doc/fate.html \
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