Commit 5813a29e authored by Baptiste Coudurier's avatar Baptiste Coudurier

revert r14983, value is not sample aspect ratio, it is display aspect ratio

Originally committed as revision 15352 to svn://
parent 3c1ebfd5
......@@ -789,7 +789,6 @@ static int mxf_parse_structural_metadata(MXFContext *mxf)
st->codec->width = descriptor->width;
st->codec->height = descriptor->height;
st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = descriptor->bits_per_sample; /* Uncompressed */
st->sample_aspect_ratio = descriptor->aspect_ratio;
st->need_parsing = AVSTREAM_PARSE_HEADERS;
} else if (st->codec->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) {
container_ul = mxf_get_codec_ul(mxf_essence_container_uls, essence_container_ul);
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