Commit 4f9ce3c4 authored by Stefano Sabatini's avatar Stefano Sabatini

Add missing NULL checks in avfilter_ref_buffer().

Originally committed as revision 24808 to svn://
parent 6fa5a91b
......@@ -48,9 +48,15 @@ const char *avfilter_license(void)
AVFilterBufferRef *avfilter_ref_buffer(AVFilterBufferRef *ref, int pmask)
AVFilterBufferRef *ret = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRef));
if (!ret)
return NULL;
*ret = *ref;
if (ref->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
ret->video = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRefVideoProps));
if (!ret->video) {
return NULL;
*ret->video = *ref->video;
ret->perms &= pmask;
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