Commit 4a194c8f authored by Aurelien Jacobs's avatar Aurelien Jacobs

matroskadec: allow uint and float elements with length = 0

Originally committed as revision 25044 to svn://
parent 8ef38f3f
......@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ static int ebml_read_uint(ByteIOContext *pb, int size, uint64_t *num)
int n = 0;
if (size < 1 || size > 8)
if (size > 8)
/* big-endian ordering; build up number */
......@@ -600,7 +600,9 @@ static int ebml_read_uint(ByteIOContext *pb, int size, uint64_t *num)
static int ebml_read_float(ByteIOContext *pb, int size, double *num)
if (size == 4) {
if (size == 0) {
*num = 0;
} else if (size == 4) {
*num= av_int2flt(get_be32(pb));
} else if(size==8){
*num= av_int2dbl(get_be64(pb));
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