Commit 487ec9a0 authored by Philip Gladstone's avatar Philip Gladstone

Add conditional build of strptime

Originally committed as revision 820 to svn://
parent 68892110
......@@ -12,10 +12,15 @@ OBJS= utils.o cutils.o allformats.o
# mux and demuxes
OBJS+=mpeg.o mpegts.o ffm.o crc.o img.o raw.o rm.o asf.o \
avienc.o avidec.o wav.o swf.o au.o gif.o mov.o jpeg.o
avienc.o avidec.o wav.o swf.o au.o gif.o mov.o jpeg.o
# framehook.o
# file I/O
OBJS+= avio.o aviobuf.o file.o
ifeq ($(BUILD_STRPTIME),yes)
OBJS+= strptime.o
ifeq ($(CONFIG_VIDEO4LINUX),yes)
OBJS+= grab.o
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