Commit 3a1acfd7 authored by Stefano Sabatini's avatar Stefano Sabatini

Reindent after the last commit.

Originally committed as revision 20755 to svn://
parent bf972d5e
......@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ static void draw_slice(AVFilterLink *link, int y, int h, int slice_dir)
int y2;
if (slice_dir == 1) {
for (y2 = y; y2 + slice->h <= y + h; y2 += slice->h)
avfilter_draw_slice(link->dst->outputs[0], y2, slice->h, slice_dir);
for (y2 = y; y2 + slice->h <= y + h; y2 += slice->h)
avfilter_draw_slice(link->dst->outputs[0], y2, slice->h, slice_dir);
if (y2 < y + h)
avfilter_draw_slice(link->dst->outputs[0], y2, y + h - y2, slice_dir);
if (y2 < y + h)
avfilter_draw_slice(link->dst->outputs[0], y2, y + h - y2, slice_dir);
} else if (slice_dir == -1) {
for (y2 = y + h; y2 - slice->h >= y; y2 -= slice->h)
avfilter_draw_slice(link->dst->outputs[0], y2 - slice->h, slice->h, slice_dir);
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