Commit 333146dd authored by Stefano Sabatini's avatar Stefano Sabatini

Doxument url_open_protocol().

Originally committed as revision 21417 to svn://
parent 50eb40a7
......@@ -65,8 +65,20 @@ typedef struct URLPollEntry {
typedef int URLInterruptCB(void);
* Creates an URLContext for accessing to the resource indicated by
* filename, and opens it using the URLProtocol up.
* @param puc pointer to the location where, in case of success, the
* function puts the pointer to the created URLContext
* @param flags flags which control how the resource indicated by filename
* is to be opened
* @return 0 in case of success, a negative value corresponding to an
* AVERROR code in case of failure
int url_open_protocol (URLContext **puc, struct URLProtocol *up,
const char *filename, int flags);
int url_open(URLContext **h, const char *filename, int flags);
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