Commit 2aec59c0 authored by Matthieu Bouron's avatar Matthieu Bouron

swscale/arm/yuv2rgb: remove unused store of dst + linesize in load_args_yuv422p

parent b3ea9019
......@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@
ldr r10,[sp, #136] @ r10 = y_coeff
vdup.16 d0, r10 @ d0 = y_coeff
vld1.16 {d1}, [r8] @ d1 = *table
add r11, r2, r3 @ r11 = dst + linesize (dst2)
sub r3, r3, r0, lsl #2 @ r3 = linesize - width * 4 (padding)
sub r5, r5, r0 @ r5 = linesizeY - width (paddingY)
sub r7, r7, r0, lsr #1 @ r7 = linesizeU - width / 2 (paddingU)
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