Commit 289987e4 authored by Benjamin Larsson's avatar Benjamin Larsson

Use memcpy instead of for loop

Originally committed as revision 11051 to svn://
parent 28af284c
......@@ -323,10 +323,8 @@ void nelly_decode_block(NellyMoserDecodeContext *s, unsigned char block[NELLY_BL
aptr, s->imdct_tmp);
/* XXX: overlapping and windowing should be part of a more
generic imdct function */
for(j = 0; j < NELLY_BUF_LEN / 2; j++) {
aptr[j] = s->imdct_out[j + NELLY_BUF_LEN + NELLY_BUF_LEN / 2];
aptr[j + NELLY_BUF_LEN / 2] = s->imdct_out[j];
memcpy(&aptr[0],&s->imdct_out[NELLY_BUF_LEN+NELLY_BUF_LEN/2], (NELLY_BUF_LEN/2)*sizeof(float));
memcpy(&aptr[NELLY_BUF_LEN / 2],&s->imdct_out[0],(NELLY_BUF_LEN/2)*sizeof(float));
overlap_and_window(s, s->state, aptr);
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